Outfitter Partnership Manager
Dennis takes great pride in upholding the quality of goHUNT’s marketplace for tags & hunts. He is devoted to the best possible experience for landowners, outfitters, and hunters.
Dennis graduated from California State University, Chico and lives in Fallon, Nevada where he owns and operates a cattle ranch in the western part of the state. Growing up in the deserts and mountains of central Nevada he spent his childhood pushing cows, riding horses and camping with family. This is where his love of the outdoors started and where he pursued his first big game animal.
He took up the sport of archery at the age of 12 and harvested his first spot and stalk mule deer buck two years later. That passion for chasing big game with a bow has lasted for more than 20 years and continues to grow with the challenge of pursuing different species in different parts of the country. If he's not hunting for himself in the fall, usually he is helping and encouraging friends or family to pursue their big game trophies.