Research Manager & Gear Expert
Trail has the experience, knowledge, and ability to help you find your next hunting opportunity and select the gear that will allow you to be more comfortable and successful in your pursuits.
Before joining goHUNT, Trail began his professional career as a wildlife biologist doing biological surveys and clearances across the west prior to oil, gas and mining development. He then moved into a position with the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources where he worked as the Assistant Habitat Manager in the southern region for eight years. During his time with the Division, he worked throughout southern Utah conducting wildlife surveys, assessing big game habitat conditions, and implementing landscape scale habitat restoration projects. The improving range conditions and subsequent growing herds throughout the southern portion of the state are a testament to the hard work that he and others like him have completed over the past fourteen years.
Having grown up in rural southern Utah, the outdoors and hunting has been a major part of his life from a very early age. In his own words, “ I love everything about hunting, the research, planning, preparation, gear, adventure, peace, and challenge it provides. There is nothing like it, it’s all consuming for me”. Trail has hunted multiple states throughout the west and continues to apply and research any opportunity to explore and hunt more every year. He has a beautiful supportive wife and three boys who can’t wait for their turn to hunt and harvest their first buck. He is eager to share his knowledge and assist you in chasing your own hunting goals and dreams.