I’m often asked for gift advice by those buying for hunters. There are many useful items necessary for the type of hunting we do. I thought it would be interesting to provide this list, with items ranging in price and filling a variety of needs, in hopes it would give a good starting point for those shopping for hunters. Merry Christmas!
I look for a quiver that is quiet and capable of withstanding the abuse our mountain hunting places on gear. The TightSpot quiver is as quiet as it is strong. And, adjustable to any torque-reducing position.
So many ask how we draw the number of tags we do. This is how. The GOHUNT Insider has changed the game of tag and unit research, with the most accurate Draw Odds and Filtering as just a small part of what gives me a research advantage. If you sign up for Insider with the promo code RANDY, you'll get a $50 gift card to the GOHUNT Gear Shop.