Photo credit: @high_altitude_outfitter
I recently returned from an epic trip with Brady Miller where we spent 10 days in the high country of Colorado bowhunting mule deer bucks. It was one of the toughest hunts I have been on in a long time. The deer were scattered; Mother Nature about flooded us out; quality bucks were hard to find; and an old football injury decided to make an appearance halfway through the hunt. It got interesting to say the least. Just like any hunt, though, it can change quickly. We ended up finding a true giant of a buck! Unfortunately, I can’t share too much right now because we are making the hunt into a film that we will release around the first of the year. It has a very heavy storyline and some amazing footage.
Getting home from the hunt was also a monumental day for me and GOHUNT. I came home to the blueprints of our next major enhancement to our Insider product and it floored me. Finally, after tons of hard work and grinding day after day, the product will cross paths with my original vision of what the product should be able to do. But what the GOHUNT team actually has in place exceeds all levels of the original vision and is going to solve a lot more than my initial vision. These guys and gals in the office are damn good at what they do. I can’t wait to get the new product out to our INSIDERs.
Catching up on people’s hunts and social media has been fun, too. I am humbled to see the GOHUNT brand spread at such a fast pace. I love scrolling through social media and seeing people out there repping the brand while hunting. This picture of Thomas Austin is awesome and is exactly what GOHUNT stands for. The look in his eyes sets the tone of what to expect and he ended up killing a great bull with his bow, too.
If you haven't noticed yet, we have started a series called “theBULLET” which allows us to feature the GOHUNT community and what they're accomplishing out there hunting as well as what they have to say about hunting topics. It’s one of my favorite series we are producing and I love seeing what you guys come up with.
I’m gone this week hunting elk in New Mexico with the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation’s (RMEF) Team Elk and I’m hoping to get a good bull. RMEF invited me to hunt with them and feature the Insider product on their TV show. I’m pretty excited about that and I can’t believe that not even one year into the product, GOHUNT is already having opportunities to work with such great people in the industry. It just keeps proving to me we are on the right path.
Lastly, I just want to throw out how happy I am that the NFL is back on. It always feels like the off-season is way too long, doesn't it?