I blurred out my points for each species in the screenshot, but you'll quickly be able to see your point totals for every species.
We are excited to announce that our Point Tracker feature is now available in the GOHUNT mobile app!
Point Tracker is a convenient tool for managing your bonus points and preference points in a single location. We include information for all Western states and various application types where you can accumulate points. For a comprehensive overview of Point Tracker's capabilities, click on the link provided below.
Recently, we merged research and maps by adding a research section to the mobile app, and now we are expanding on that feature set. Our GOHUNT mobile app is more than just a map! Adding Point Tracker to the mobile app makes your life so much easier. You can quickly and easily track all the bonus and preference points you've built up across every state. It is worth mentioning that if you've already added points to Point Tracker on the web, all those points will seamlessly transfer over to the mobile app.
Another great feature of Point Tracker is now when you're researching for hunts on the mobile app, your points will automatically fill into our Filtering and Draw Odds tools. This saves a significant amount of time when searching for hunting opportunities!
Accessing Point Tracker on the GOHUNT mobile app is super easy.
Open up the GOHUNT app and tap on the "Research" tab in the bottom menu. From there, you have the option to select "Filtering" or "Point Tracker."
Once you tap on "Point Tracker," you'll be taken to a screen that will enable you to enter all your points across all western states. If you have already used Point Tracker on the web, your points for every state will automatically transfer over.
One of the features I really like is it will show you the date and time that you last updated your points. Every time a state releases draw results, I will jump into Point Tracker and update my point totals. That way, I can start to research and plan for future years. It literally only takes a few seconds.
In the screenshot above, you'll also notice the image on the right is the view that shows when you tap, "Add State & Points." You can use that to quickly jump into a state and add your points if you are new to Point Tracker.
You can also add other family members easily to Point Tracker as well. Let’s say you have a son or daughter, and you’ve been building points for them. In Point Tracker, you can create different users for your family, and then you can swap between users in Point Tracker to research using Filtering to find hunting opportunities and draw odds.
To add other family members on the mobile version of Point Tracker, just tap on the down arrow to the right of your name and it will open a new “Point Tracker Family Members” screen. Then, just tap on "Manage Members" to edit, add more people to Point Tracker, or select their profile to research for hunts using their point totals on our research tools.
Currently, this Point Tracker is available on the app for iOS users, and Android will follow shortly toward the end of March. Update the app today to get access to this feature.
Insider makes it easy to find tag opportunities by state, species, probability of draw odds success, and much more! Whether you have 0 points or 10, Insider gives you the information you need to plan a successful hunt.
If you're unfamiliar with Insider, you can learn more below.