We are happy to announce Robert Lee is the 4 Weeks 4 Tags week 2 winner. Robert, a resident of Utah, won the North Cache elk muzzleloader tag. We caught up with to find out his plans for the hunt.
GOHUNT: Have you ever hunted this unit before, or similar?Rob Lee: Not in a long time — in the late 80s. I used to live up there, and I know this is going to be a big challenge. It is one of the hardest units in the state of Utah; the success percentage is very low right now. But, this is great as a bonus hunt, one I wasn't expecting. I had an archery deer tag, and got my buck last week in the Book Cliffs. This is just extending my hunting season, so it's a nice surprise.
GH: Do you have other plans, for after?RL: Yes, I have two boys, ages 13 and 16. They've drawn some tags so I'm going to be taking them out for those.
GH: Are they coming on this hunt with you?RL: It's only about an hour, maybe an hour and a half from where we live, so even though school has started they might be able to join me on the weekend.
GH: So you'll be taking the whole week?RL: Yes, I'll take the camper up and camp in the area the first 3-4 days of the hunt, and make it a week long.
GH: With short notice, how will you prepare?RL: Yeah, I won't have much time for scouting, so will definitely be heading up one or two days earlier to scout, and rely on Internet scouting too. Since I know people in that area, I'll be able to talk with them and see if they know what the elk have been doing.
Rob will be taking pictures and writing a HUNT story for GOHUNT, so you can read all about his challenging pursuit later this season.
Remember, there are still two tags left -- so register to win today! Registration is 100% FREE. This week we will be giving away a Colorado Unit 52/521/411 2nd Season Rifle Mule Deer Tag.
Please visit this link (www.gohunt.com/promo/4-weeks-4-tags) for more information on the 4 weeks 4 tags giveaway.