According to a recent press release from Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (Utah DWR), the total number of wild animals taken illegally in Utah in 2020 was slightly lower than the number taken in 2019, Utah DWR conservation officers report.
In 2020, a total of 1,056 animals were illegally killed in the state. In 2019, a total of 1,080 big game animals were poached. The combined value of the wildlife illegally killed in 2020 was more than $379,000. In 2019, the total value was more than $406,500.
“While the total number of animals illegally taken dropped a bit in 2020, the total number of citations for unlawful take and wanton destruction actually increased, from 499 citations issued in 2019 to 773 citations in 2020,” the Utah DWR said.
The overall number of violations detected by DWR conservation officers last year, including citations for unlawful taking and wanton destruction, was 4,760, compared to 3,525 violations in 2019 and a total of 35 people had their hunting or fishing privileges suspended in Utah in 2020, compared to 84 in 2019.
“Each animal that is illegally killed in our state is one less animal for legal hunters, wildlife enthusiasts and everyday citizens to enjoy,” Utah DWR Capt. Wyatt Bubak said. “Poachers steal our ability to enjoy Utah’s wildlife.”
“We need your help,” Bubak said. “Please keep your eyes and ears open and report suspicious activity to us. Working together, we can enforce wildlife laws and also keep those recreating outdoors safe.”
Residents are encouraged to report suspicious hunting activity. You can call the UTiP hotline — 1-800-662-DEER (3337) — which is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or report the activity online on the DWR website.