Finding out how many preference points you have in Colorado is a fairly straightforward process. But trying to land on the correct page on their website can be difficult if you haven't looked up your points before.
If you want to save a few steps, click on the button below and then enter in your account information. You can then skip ahead to Step 3.
Below is a quick step-by-step walkthrough to find out how many preference points you have built up in Colorado.
Navigate to Colorado Parks & Wildlife homepage.
Now, click on “Buy & Apply” to be taken to their CPW Shop Page.
Once on their shop page, you'll need to click on “Sign In Or Create Account” in the upper right.
Now fill out the information on the “Existing Customers” section and then click “Sign In.” Note: I find it easier to click the "Choose an Identifier" dropdown box and select a different identifier to make it easier to look up my account.
You'll now arrive at your account details page, and this is the stage when you will need to confirm some details about your Colorado account. Once you've entered all the required information, at the bottom, click “Confirm Details.”
Now, you are finally on your Colorado account page. On the left, click on “My Preference Points.”
You'll now be able to see how many preference points you have for all of the species you have applied for in Colorado.
If you want to look up points in other states, be sure to check out the main directory article below:
At GOHUNT, we know keeping track of your points in one central place is vitally important. We have a feature called Point Tracker that allows you to enter the number of points you have for each state and species. Then, as you research through Filtering and Draw Odds, your point total will automatically be highlighted.