Over the past few months, we have been very busy adding new features and layers to the GOHUNT Mapping app! Most of this has been centered around access layers for mid-west and eastern states, with the most recent update being public access layers for both North and South Dakota.
The most recent update to GOHUNT maps included:
We will continue to work on additional public access layers throughout the midwest and eastern states.
My favorite feature from our most recent release is click features for the iOS app. This has been highly requested and we were very excited to get this out the door. This essentially enables a user to select a feature or piece of land on the app to learn more about it - This includes landowner names and addresses, GMU information, and more!
Currently, click features are only found on the iOS app but support for Android users is coming. Additionally, click features are only supported when online but offline use is coming!
Click features are a great way to learn more about the area you are looking at on your mobile app.
Let us know if you have any questions about our newest feature in the comments below!
Georgia Voluntary Public Access Program
Iowa Habitat and Access Program (IHAP)
Kansas Walk-in Hunting Access
While in the app, navigate to an area you would to learn more about and tap on that location on the screen