Applications are now being accepted for Idaho's 2020 2nd Controlled Hunt drawing for deer, elk, antelope and black bear. The application period is Aug. 5 to 15. You can apply for tags online here.
Draw results will tentatively be available on August 25. Then on August 26 at 10 a.m. MDT, any remaining tags will be available on a first-come first-served basis.
Note: If you already hold a general over the counter tag, you cannot pick up a controlled tag as a second tag.
Be sure to check out the regulations for more detailed information on these tags.
See below for the official press release from Idaho Fish and Game.
Didn't draw a tag in the first round? It's not too late to apply for the second controlled hunt drawing for over 2,200 unclaimed, controlled hunt tags for deer, elk, pronghorn and bear. There are a total of 939 deer tags, 1,155 elk tags, 103 pronghorn tags, and 19 bear tags available in the second controlled hunt drawing. The application period for the second drawing runs from Aug. 5 through Aug. 15.
A list of available tags by hunt number is available on the unclaimed and leftover tag page. Hunters can apply at Fish and Game license vendors, by telephone at 800-554-8685, or online.
For information on rules and dates for specific hunts, consult the current big game seasons and rules brochure or the online version. Please note: Some hunts will be underway by the time the second drawing is completed and tags are available for sale.
Results of the second drawing will be available around Aug. 25. Any tags not drawn in the second drawing will be sold first-come, first-served Aug. 26 at 10 a.m. Mountain Time. Applicants purchasing a leftover tag must submit the nonrefundable application fee.
The waiting period restrictions, and the 10-percent nonresident limit, do not apply to the second hunt drawing or leftover tag sales.
Saturday, August 15: Deadline to apply for second controlled hunt drawing.
Tuesday, August 25: Drawing results announced (tentative date). Note: There is no deadline to buy tags for those who are successful in the second drawing.
Wednesday, August 26 at 10 a.m. MDT: Any tags not applied for in the second drawing will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.