Below you will find a step by step walkthrough to find out how many preference points you have in Oregon.
To skip a few steps, click on the button below and then proceed to Step 3.
Navigate to Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s homepage.
On the left side of the page, under “Online Services,” click on “My Hunter Info.”
You will arrive on the ODFW Licensing System page. On the right side of the page, click on “Login.”
Now, you will need to enter your Username and Password. Once that is done, click “Login.”
You've finally arrived on your account page. Under “Recreational Portfolio,” click on “View Preference Points.”
Now, you will see all of your controlled hunt preference points in Oregon.
If you want to look up points in other states, be sure to check out the main directory article below:
At GOHUNT, we know keeping track of your points in one central place is vitally important. We have a feature called Point Tracker that allows you to enter the number of points you have for each state and species. Then, as you research through Filtering and Draw Odds, your point total will automatically be highlighted.