Region T takes up the Southwestern corner of Wyoming along the Colorado and Nebraska borders. With different types of terrain from the south to the north of the region, mule deer from 160” and whitetail from 140” can be found here. Hunters can also buy a turkey tag here because a lot of birds are traveling to the same areas as deer.
The south part of the region is mainly covered in prairie grass hills that lead into canyons with water sources that deer can typically be found feeding and bedding in. Bigger buttes are usually more rocky with juniper trees on the slopes. In the northern half of the region near Guernsey State Park, the canyons get deeper with more rocks and conifer trees.
Most of the region has private land that restricts some public access, but with most BLM, state sections and Wyoming Game and Fish partnered access areas, a lot of hunters will have plenty of land and opportunities to take some good bucks. Private landowners will usually give permission and the Wyoming Game and Fish has partnered with private landowners to provide Table Mountain WHMA, Springer/Bump Sullivan WHMA, Mac's 40 Acres PAA, North Glendo PAA and Grayrocks PAA for public to access to hunt.
Hunters should try to glass from high peaks to find herds of deer. Archery hunters here can stalk in close above bedded bucks for a close shot. Rifle hunters are usually set up on ridges and canyons and to get a buck that is traveling between bedding grounds.
Big whitetails can be found in most portions of the region that have good water sources. Around the towns of Torrington and Wheatland, most landowners will give permission to hunt on the irrigated fields and near the river bottoms that big whitetail are usually found on all season long.