The Upper Sacramento River above Lake Shasta offers world class fly fishing for trout
Lake Shasta itself offers excellent bass fishing including top water action during the archery season
Large channel catfish are also present with a good trout fishery in the late fall and winter
general Size
trophy potential
Mule Deer
Columbian Blacktail Deer
On The Ground
Camping and Lodging
Historical Temperatures
Moon Phases
March 2025
Zone C-2 is located in portions of Shasta and Siskiyou counties, along the I-5 corridor and North of Redding and Shasta Lake, a hot and dry area most of season.
It is common to see deer, including bucks, swim across Shasta Lake or on the shoreline when renting a houseboat on this large reservoir.
The terrain can be very steep and rugged and vegetation can be extremely dense. The weather is usually quite hot and dry, but early storms are common.
The vegetation is highly varied throughout Zone C-2 ranging from mixed/montane chaparral, aspen, hardwood, hardwood-conifer and dense conifer to subalpine habitats. Brush stands comprised of buckbrush, deer brush and bitter cherry are good areas to hunt.
Public lands within Zone C-2 are administered by the Lassen and Shasta-Trinity National Forests and the Bureau of Land Management.
Access to public land in the area west of Big Bend and north of the Pit River is limited because of the steep, rugged terrain and dense brush. Primary roadways in Zone C-2 are Interstate 5 (west edge of C-2), State Highway 89 (northeast portion of zone) and State Highway 299 (just south of this zone). County, USFS and BLM roads branch off of these primary roadways providing access to public lands.
Hunting from boats on Lake Shasta is a common practice and perfectly legal provided certain rules are followed. The lake is managed by the U.S. Forest Service and no hunting is allowed around boat ramps, marinas or campgrounds. Houseboats are considered dwellings (per FGC, section 3004), so hunting and discharging a firearm or bow within 150 yards is prohibited unless the hunters have specific permission from the boat’s occupants in advance. Hunting from boats is legal as long as when shooting the boat is not moving under the power or influence of a motor or sails (California Code of Regulations Title 14, section 251(a)(1)). Feeding deer and all big game is illegal, and this includes tossing out fruits and salad scraps for the deer (CCR Title 14, section 251.3).
There are numerous designated campgrounds within Zone C-2. The facilities available at these campgrounds vary from primitive campsites to campsites with running water and showers. Most campgrounds are clearly marked on USFS and BLM maps. Camping outside of designated campgrounds is usually permitted on BLM and USFS lands. However, during fire season special regulations may apply and it will be necessary to obtain a fire permit from the USFS or BLM.