Quick Tips
- Hike in off limited road access points
- Good optics recommended
- Carry extra water and tools for emergency roadside repairs
Unit 13 offers public elk and deer tags. The unit does have large sections of tribal and private lands. Elk are most abundant in the southern half of the unit, with deer and antelope scattered throughout. Cibola National Forest comprises all national forest land with large tracts of BLM land throughout the unit.
Public draw elk permits are split up into different hunt dates for archery and muzzleloader seasons. The split up hunt dates allow for more people to participate in the hunts. This unit is often overlooked due to popularity of units to the south and the west.
The unit ranges in elevation from 4,700-9,560 feet near Madre Mountain in the southwestern portion of the unit. There are steep, rugged and roadless areas for the gung-ho or horseback hunters, but most of the country in the northern unit is flat, high desert ground. The variety of terrain is amazing, from high pines to stretching canyons with jagged malpais from past volcanic activity in the region's past.
Low elevations are mostly flat, desert grasslands with some brush along mostly dry creek beds. Middle elevations consist of low hills and small mountains covered in junipers and pinyon pines. Gramma grass and sagebrush make up the small meadows and basin bottoms in most of the unit. Areas near the El Malpais National Monument have brush between igneous rock chutes and higher mesas are grassy ponderosa pine vistas. High elevations mainly consist of rough mountainous country with stands of ponderosa pine and oak groves. On the highest, cooler north slopes the ponderosa forest is broken into cool stands of quaking aspens.
New Mexico 169 north out of Magdalena cuts through the center of Unit 13 to Interstate 40, between Grants and Albuquerque. Highway 60 provides main access to forest lands. Most public access roads leading to good elk and deer country are unimproved dirt roads within the Cibola National Forest. Much of the unit is landlocked by private lands. Good maps and a quality GPS are helpful to find ways into the interior of the unit.
Lodging can be found in Grants on the northern edge and in Magdalena on the southern portion of the unit. Socorro is the largest city near the unit and offers all services hunters will need during a hunt. There are three RV parks and few campgrounds in the unit.
Roughly 4,450 square miles
43.7% public land
Elevations range from 4,700 - 9,500 feet