GOHUNT Maps are recommended to help navigate this area
Bring fishing gear to fish the Popo Agie River and many lakes
Certified “weed free” hay required on National Forest
Grizzly bears can be found here
general Size
trophy potential
On The Ground
Camping and Lodging
Historical Temperatures
Moon Phases
March 2025
This area is made up of the mountains located in the Shoshone National Forest in the west central part of the state. It is bordered by the Wind River Indian Reservation on the north, U.S. Highway 287 and Wyoming Highway 28 on the east and the Continental Divide on the southwest. This unit has a lot of public land, with a large portion within the Popo Agie Wilderness Area in the Wind River Mountain Range.
A rugged and steep unit with elk located throughout, this is a large area with lots of country to hunt. The bigger elk typically are taken from rugged and remote locations. Grizzly bears can be found here so proper precautions will need to be taken.
The area runs from the valley floor along U.S. Highway 287 and Wyoming Highway 28 to the tall peaks along the Continental Divide. Elevations range from the Popo Agie River at 5,400 feet to some peaks around 12,000 feet. The area is gently contoured at lower elevations and changes to steep and rugged terrain as elevations increase with timberline found at 10,000 feet. Physical conditioning will be very important to aid in traversing the more rugged terrain that is found here.
Under Wyoming law nonresidents are not permitted to hunt big game or trophy game in any federally designated wilderness areas without the presence of a licensed guide or resident companion. The resident companion must first get a free non-commercial guide license from a Game and Fish office. The law does not prohibit nonresidents from hiking, fishing or hunting game birds, small game, or coyotes in wilderness areas.
Low and middle elevations are a mix of grassy, sage covered meadows and hills mixed with Douglas fir and aspens. Higher up near the timberline the country is made up of thick spruce fir forests and some white bark pine with lots of grassy slopes, meadows and alpine basins.
Public access in this unit is good with Louis Lake Road as the main access road and several secondary roads. The unit is covered by an extensive trail system. Packing in with horses or backpack hunting is recommended, but day hunts are possible. Louis Lake, Stough Creek Lakes, Middle Fork and North Fork are popular trail heads.
Lander is the closest town to the area and offers many options for lodging, groceries, gas and other amenities. Camping is allowed on all public ground for up to 16 days in one location. There are several designated campgrounds located throughout the unit. Hunters can also camp in remote locations. Sinks Canyon, Louis Beach, Popo Agie and Fiddlers Lake are public campgrounds located in this area.