- World-class trout fishing South Platte River “Dream Stream”
- Goose hunting
- Kokanee salmon fishing in reservoirs
species | general Size | trophy potential |
Mule Deer | 140"-160" | 170"+ |
Whitetail Deer | 120"-130" | 130"+ |
Elk | 260"-300" | 300"+ |
Antelope | 65"-75" | 75"+ |
About 30 miles west of Colorado Springs, this unit is more than 60% private but has significant public lands that support large herds of elk, mule deer and antelope.
Quality and quantity of antelope bucks makes this a hard unit to draw. The migration of bulls depends on inclement weather at higher elevations.
The northwest corner of unit is in South Park, a high rolling prairie with a number of ridges running north and south. Just to the east of South Park is the 9,500 foot Wilkerson Pass. There are a number of mountains over 8,000 feet scattered within the unit. The Arkansas River is near the southern boundary with many ridges and canyons.
High prairie grasses such as buffalo, blue Grama and Indian grass around South Park. Near the Arkansas River pinyon/juniper, cottonwoods, willows, oak brush, bitterbrush and mountain mahogany are seen from the roads. Ponderosa pines, aspen groves, spruce and Douglas fir are at the higher elevations.
Pike National Forest consists of over 79 square miles in this unit. Location is north of County Road 102, west and south of U.S. Highway 24.
State Trust lands: Portions of Badger Flats, 3,570 acres south of U.S. 24 west of Lake George, Deer Haven, 640 acres off County Road 11 east of Colorado Route 9 west of Canon City, Eleven Mile, 265 acres 17 miles southeast of Hartsel, Saddle Mountain, 640 acres off County Road 59 north of Guffey (horseback or foot access only).
State Wildlife Areas: Dome Rock, 6,980 acres south of Divide off Colorado Route 67 (access by foot or horseback only).
Pikes Peak National Forest-Eleven Mile Canyon Recreation Area is west of Lake George off County Road 96. Open year round. Fairplay is some 17 miles northwest off of U.S. Highway 285, Canon City is on the southern boundary off of U.S. Highway 50, Buena Vista is some 30 miles west on U.S. Highway 24 and Woodland Park on U.S. Highway 24 is about 20 miles east. All provide lodging in motels or cabins, RV parks, restaurants, medical facilities and gas. Hartsel has one gas station and one café that is occasionally open.
Roughly 689 square miles
44% public land
Elevations from 5,200-10,800 feet
County and secondary roads can get muddy with wet weather
Four wheel drive recommended later seasons
ATV’s can be useful on the forest service roads