- Coyotes and jackrabbits provide shooting action
- Hunters can drive ATVs only on roads built for full-size vehicles
- In some years you can buy a second deer tag
- Bring a shotgun for chukar partridge hunting
species | general Size | trophy potential |
Mule Deer | 140"-160" | 170"+ |
Whitetail Deer | 120"-130" | 130"+ |
Elk | Raghorn-290" | 300"+ |
Antelope | 65"-70" | 70"+ |
This unit consists of the Little Lost River Valley north of Howe, part of the Lemhi Range to the east and part of the Lost River Range to the west. Terrain varies from desert flats to mountains above timberline. This unit holds elk, mule deer, whitetail deer and antelope.
This is a good unit for elk hunting with rifle tags issued by drawing. Mule deer hunting is decent and pronghorn antelope hunting is excellent.
This unit contains most of the Little Lost River Valley and parts of the Lemhi and Lost River Ranges. The valley is mostly flat and is covered by rolling foothills which give way to steep mountains. The mountains on both sides rise above timberline with main ridges that run for miles from 9,500 feet to more than 10,000 feet. High points in the unit include 12,197-foot Diamond Peak, 10,533-foot Trail Peak, 10,380-foot Big Windy Peak, 10,865-foot Sheep Mountain, 10,736-foot Iron Creek Point and 10,744-foot Bear Mountain.
Lowlands are covered with wild grasses and sagebrush with willows, cottonwoods, alders and birches along creeks and rivers. Some junipers and mahoganies grow on some foothills, low ridges and in some draws. Above them conifers such as Douglas fir, Engelmann spruce and ponderosa pine with subalpine fir, aspen, blue spruce, white pine and limber pine grow higher on the mountains. Timberline varies from about 9,000 to 9,500 feet. Lichens, mosses on stable rock outcroppings and low shrubs and wild grasses on thin soils grow at higher elevations.
Good access to most public land is available. Hunters can hike or drive around all private tracts to reach foothills above. The main road is Little Lost River Highway that leads north out of Howe along the Little Lost River. Roads provide access up many canyons.
Lodging is available in Arco about 20 miles from Howe. Options includes Arco Inn Motel, the D K Motel (phone: 208-527-8282) and the Lost River Motel. Timber Creek Campground is about 40 miles north of Howe.
Roughly 945 square miles
91.6% public land
Elevations from 5,500-12,000 feet
Hunters can drive ATVs only on roads built for full-size vehicles
Four-wheel-drive is recommended