Wilderness Areas carry extra food, clothing and fuel
general Size
trophy potential
Mule Deer
Whitetail Deer
On The Ground
Camping and Lodging
Historical Temperatures
Moon Phases
March 2025
This district includes portions of Silver Bow and Deer Lodge Counties that lay south of Anaconda and west of Butte. Thousands of acres of public access are provided by 45,000 acre Mount Haggin Wildlife Management Area, Beaverhead Deerlodge National Forest including Anaconda Pintler Wilderness Area and BLM lands. Elevations along the Continental Divide exceed 10,500 feet. Elk, mule deer and whitetails are available during archery and general seasons.
Wilderness, large private ranches and a good Forest Service trail and road system makes for some great opportunities to harvest an elk, a mule deer or a whitetail. Roadless areas help keep hunting pressure down, private lands create sanctuaries and the National Forest is rugged enough to challenge any hunter. Big Hole River Valley provides significant wintering range for elk and mule deer while whitetails are year round residents.
West Goat Peak has an elevation of 10,793 feet and is the highest along this section of the Continental Divide. Many other peaks reach elevations above 10,000 feet within the wilderness area. A number of passes provide travel corridors for big game as well as hunters they include Bitterroot, Cutaway and Storm Lake. Steep talus slopes, knife ridges, basins and small lakes describe the alpine areas of the Anaconda Range.
Open range consists of buffalo and blue grama grasses, sagebrush, bitterbrush and rabbit brush. Hay meadows and center pivot irrigated crops are found in the river valleys with river and creeks lined with cottonwoods and willows along their banks. Foothills have stands of pinyon/juniper, ponderosa and open short grass south facing slopes. Mountain slopes are forested with spruce, fir, aspen, whitebark pine, and subalpine larch. Alpine basins, ridges and peaks have carpets of wildflowers, clusters of dwarf subspecies of Engelmann spruce called "Krummholz" and moss and lichens. Along the Continental Divide the highest elevations are often bare talus slopes with vegetation limited to lichens.
Continental Divide National Scenic Trail (about 45 miles) within Anaconda Pintler Wilderness provides excellent backcountry access. When combining the Scenic Trail system with a good system of Forest Service roads leading to trailheads into the wilderness there’s no shortage of access. Specific restrictions apply to travel with the Mount Haggin Wildlife Management Areas. The majority of rangeland on the west side of Big Hole River is privately held. If hunting late season or targeting whitetails get permission well before the season opens. Forest Service roads can get muddy and difficult for travel with heavy rains or deep snow. Be prepared with a four wheel drive vehicle and chains when hunt mid-October through November.
Beaverhead Deerlodge National Forests, BLM, Block and Wildlife Management Areas have camping opportunities. Camping in an area, campsite, or developed campground is limited to 16 accumulated days within any 30 day period. Wise River has limited lodging and restaurants. Communities of Anaconda and Butte offer a variety of lodging, cafés and restaurants, medical facilities and gas and diesel.
Roughly 622 square miles
77% public land
Elevations from 5,400-10,800 feet
Montana Route 43, 274, 569 and Interstate 15 are main roads