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Private access can drastically help the odds of success
Public access opportunities can be found throughout the unit
general Size
trophy potential
Mule Deer
Whitetail Deer
On The Ground
Camping and Lodging
Historical Temperatures
Moon Phases
March 2025
This unit is fond in the north central portion of the state along the South Dakota state line. Most of the unit is composed of private lands but much of these lands remain undeveloped. Public land opportunities are limited, but thorough research on access opportunities can lead hunters to success.
This unit boasts good deer populations but limited public access. Securing access to private lands or heavily researching public access opportunities will be important for success.
Most of this area is comprised of private lands, which does create access issues, but also facilitates excellent herd health and antler growth. Most of the privates lands around the Niobrara River and south are composed of agricultural crops but much of the northern half is natural rolling grasslands. With minimal elevation fluctuations, apart from occasional creek and river beds, navigating the unit is straightforward and effortless for hunters.
Many of the areas around the Niobrara River and to the southern border of the unit are composed of agricultural lands. Lands that are undeveloped around the Niobrara tend to consist of heavily timbered draws leading down to the river valley. Outside of the aforementioned areas, hunters will encounter large expanses of typical prairie types vegetation throughout.
Several larger towns are found along Highway 20 on the southern end of the unit but many other towns and communities are found throughout the area. Lodging options can be found in the form of hotels, motels, and rental properties scattered throughout the unit. Additionally, some public campsites are available. Sporting goods can be found through the area with some of the best selections generally being found in the larger cities.
Roughly 2730 sq. miles
3% Public land
Access to public land is decent in this unit comparatively speaking. Hunters can also explore wildlife management areas and lands enrolled in the Open Fields and Waters Programfor additional access opportunities. These property types are not super prevalent here but there are some notably large parcels in the western half of the area. State owned landsare spread out through the central portion of the unit and will provide hunters with a few different terrain types to hunt.