Use GOHUNT Maps to help navigate public and private lands
Private access can drastically help the odds of success
Public access opportunities can be found throughout the unit
general Size
trophy potential
Mule Deer
Whitetail Deer
On The Ground
Camping and Lodging
Historical Temperatures
Moon Phases
March 2025
This unit is found in the north central portion of the state and features a healthy population of deer and a varied offering of terrain types. Public land is more available here than many other units and it's primarily in the northeast portion of the unit. Some other opportunities such as lands in the Open Fields And Waters Program lands and wildlife management areas are also available for public access.
This can be a better unit for public land hunters as the distribution here is higher than most other units.
The northwestern edge of the unit sees some agricultural activity but the majority of his unit is comprised of undeveloped lands that are reminiscent of sand hills country. Most of this unit is set up for supporting cattle operations. Despite the greater variation in terrain outside of the ag areas, hunters will encounter minimal difficulty in navigating nearly all of this unit.
The majority of the this area is composed of rolling hills covered in prarie grasses and shrubs. Many pocket lake and ponds dot the landscape and provide marshy conditions in their vicinity.
Private lands dominate most of the landscape, but a good collection of public lands are available. Public lands are found scattered throughout the unit but the largest collection of these will be found in the northeast corner of the area. Open Fields and Water lands are present here, but are limited. The biggest collection of these is found on the western edge north of the town of Ashby.
Thedford, Valentine, Gordon, Ellsworth and Stapleton are your bigger cities that surround this unit. There are smaller towns scattered throughout where finding gas and groceries won't be an issue. The most options will generally be found in the larger cities.