Use GOHUNT Maps to help navigate public and private lands
Private access can drastically help the odds of success
Public access opportunities can be found throughout the unit
general Size
trophy potential
On The Ground
Camping and Lodging
Historical Temperatures
Moon Phases
March 2025
This is a large unit that encompasses most of the southern boundary of the state. There are some public land opportunities, however the majority of elk activity is going to occur on private land of some sort. There is a handful of private access parcels that is scattered throughout the unit, with the bulk being on the west side of the unit. It would be wise to get ahold of biologists, talk to landowners and look into outfitted opportunities with this tag.
There's a healthy population of elk that inhabit this unit, but will mostly be concentrated on private land. It's highly recommended to hire an outfitter to really get the most out of this coveted tag.
Most of this area is comprised of private lands, which does create access issues, but also facilitates excellent herd health and antler growth. Much of the private land is split between being developed for agricultural purposed, or being undeveloped and composed of natural rolling grasslands. With minimal elevation fluctuations, apart from occasional creek and river beds, navigating the unit is straightforward and effortless for hunters.
This unit sees a healthy distribution of lands that are developed for agricultural use and lands that are undeveloped and mostly comprised of rolling grasslands and timbered bottoms and draws.
Given the scarcity of public lands, hunters must depend on maps and e-scouting to uncover viable hunting prospects. While there are some scattered state-owned parcels, hunters can also explore wildlife management areas and lands enrolled in the Open Fields and Waters Program for additional access opportunities. These property types are spread out throughout the unit but some of the most notable chunks are found in the northwest corner.
Theres no shortage of hotels, motels, and rental properties scattered throughout the unit. Most will be found along highway 6 and highway 34. Additionally, many public campsites and RV parks are available unit wide. Sporting goods, fuel and grocery stores can be found through the area with some of the best selections generally being found in the larger cities.