Resident |
Nonresident |
Deer Tag |
$28.50 |
$443.50 |
Controlled hunt application fee |
$8 |
$8 |
| Resident | Nonresident |
Deer Tag | $28.50 | $443.50 |
Controlled hunt application fee | $8 | $8 |
Mature blacktail deer are so adept at eluding hunters that bucks often get old even where hunters can buy over-the-counter tags and hunt with rifles four weeks a year. Blacktailsdon’t grow as big antlers as mule deer do, reflected by the lower scores required for entry of racks in the Boone and Crockett Club’s record book. Blacktails readily cross withmule deer. Crosses are called bench-leg bucks or Cascade bucks and exhibit characteristics of both types of deer, often looking more like blacktails than muleys but growinglarger antlers than blacktails. Mature bucks don’t often venture in daylight out of the extremely dense combination of brush and timber that is common in western Oregon, andoutside the rut don’t move a great deal even inside the jungle-like cover. Hunters are limited to careful still-hunting and stand hunting for the most part, and neither method isparticularly effective. A hunter can take pride in tagging any blacktail with a heavy rack, regardless of the number or length of its tines. The state provides more opportunitiesto hunt with primitive weapons during the rut, when big bucks are more active and, thus, more vulnerable.
** Units listed below may not have a current hunt for this species. Units in this table are included if a significant part of the unit is found within the county.
** Units listed below may not have a current hunt for this species. Units in this table are included if a significant part of the unit is found within the county.
Most rifle and bow tags are sold over the counter
The rut starts in early November and peaks in mid- to late November
Bowhunters may buy tags without drawing to hunt during the rut in most areas
Hunters must draw tags to hunt in muzzleloader seasons during the rut
Hunters who don’t get their first-choice tag earn a preference point
Applicants must buy a hunting license
Hunting parties as large as 18 may apply together
General bow tags are sold until the day before general archery season
Officials are trying various methods to improve hunting
Predators, disease and habitat loss are limiting factors
Some private timber companies make lands available to public hunters
Fee hunting on private land is becoming common
Walk-in hunting areas typically hold more trophy-size bucks
Like whitetails and mule deer, blacktails are attracted to orchards and crops
Forest fires have improved habitat, increasing deer feed and brushy cover
75% of limited tags are issued to applicants with the most preference points
Preference points are averaged for hunters applying as a party
County |
Entries |
Game Management Units |
Jackson |
100 |
Clackamas |
72 |
Lane |
45 |
Linn |
41 |
Douglas |
31 |
Marion |
31 |