- Bring your shotgun for pheasants, sharptail grouse, and possibly a greater prairie chicken
species | general Size | trophy potential |
Whitetail Deer | 110"-140" | 150"+ |
This unit is located on the eastern border of South Dakota, and is split in half by both Interstate 29 and 90, with Sioux Falls located at the intersection of these two interstates. The unit is primarily private land with no notable pieces of public. There are a few walk-in areas and waterfowl production areas in the northwest portion of the unit. If you are planning a hunt here, it would be best if you made arrangements on some portion of private land prior to arriving. The Big Sioux River runs through the unit offering great habitat if you are able to obtain access.
With very limited public access there are few hunters headed here who won’t be hunting some private property.
You will lose elevation as you move from west to east, and from north to south -there is around a thousand feet of elevation change across the entire unit, with the very southeast along the Minnesota border being the lowest point. The bulk of the unit is very flat with a bit of a roll to the overall landscape and lots of farmland.
A mix of short and tall prairie grass for miles in all directions, as well as countless species of wildflowers can be found in most areas of the unit that haven’t been turned for agricultural purposes. Very sparse timber which is primarily a mix of Cottonwood, American Elm, Green Ash, and Bur Oak can be found along the riparian zones of the Big Sioux River and other small creeks within the unit. Lots of agriculture fields and crops throughout the unit.
Interstate 90 cuts through the lower third of the unit going east to west, and Interstate 29 cuts through the middle of the unit going north to south. Overall there are countless roads covering the majority of the unit which makes navigating to one spot or the other very simple. There is very little public ground in this unit so without a solid plan on some private ground, you will have a very difficult time locating areas to hunt. The other major roads in the unit are Highways 19, 38, 42, 11, and 115.
There are several places to stay within the unit including Dell Rapids, Sioux Falls, and Brandon. Dell Rapids is located in the north-central portion of the unit, has a population over 3,500 people and boasts a number of amenities such as fast food, lodging, and some big attractions. Sioux Falls, located in the center of the unit, has a population over 180,000 people and offers all the amenities needed to not only be comfortable, but to also purchase sporting goods if needed. Brandon, which is located just east of Sioux Falls, has a population of over 10,000 people and offers everything needed to be comfortable on your hunt. There are a number of other small places within the unit, and a quick search will tell you if they offer what you are in search of. If you are looking for a place to camp there are very limited locations in the unit on public land, but there are a few established campgrounds around the bigger cities.
Roughly 814 square miles
3% public land
Elevations range from 1,400 - 1,707 feet