Don't spend any time trying to find bears off the mountain
Be sure to call and check with the Wyoming Game and Fish office to ensure the hunt area is still open
On The Ground
Camping and Lodging
Historical Temperatures
Moon Phases
March 2025
This unit is located on the western side of the state and covers the northern portion of the Wind River Mountain Range. This unit is different than a lot of the units in Wyoming because it has more mountains than timber. There was a fire in the northern portion of this unit in 2016 that burned almost 15,000 acres.
This is not traditionally a very good black bear area.
The terrain in this unit consists almost entirely of timbered mountains with only a small portion of sagebrush rolling hills near Dubois. There are a lot of small creeks throughout this area as well, with willows and berry bushes covering the banks. Like all mountains in Wyoming, you will find lodgepole pines, white pines, juniper and aspen trees throughout the range. There was a forest fire towards the northern portion of this unit, not too far west of State Highway 26.
Under Wyoming law nonresidents are not permitted to hunt big game or trophy game in any federally designated wilderness areas without the presence of a licensed guide or resident companion. The resident companion must first get a free non-commercial guide license from a Game and Fish office. The law does not prohibit nonresidents from hiking, fishing or hunting game birds, small game, or coyotes in wilderness areas.
Along State Highway 26, you are going to find irrigated farmland and rolling sagebrush hills, everywhere else will have timber covered mountains. In the mountains, the majority of the trees are lodgepole pines. The higher you get in elevation, the more alpine vegetation you will see.
There is really good access in this unit. Nonresidents need to be aware of the Fitzpatrick Wilderness Area which completely covers the southern end of this unit. If you do want to hunt in this portion of the unit, you will need an outfitter or a resident companion with a guide permit. This unit is virtually all public land, so hunters will not have a problem finding places to hunt, this unit just doesn’t hold the same number of black bears as others.
The only town in this unit is Dubois. There are a few hotels in town, a small grocery store, and a couple of gas stations. Togwotee Mountain Lodge is located further up the mountain if you want to stay there, as well as Lava Mountain Lodge. There are a few established campgrounds, about seven, but most are actually located down around the town of Dubois. Up on the National Forest though, you can pick a spot just about anywhere and pitch your tent there.
Roughly 548 square miles
90.9% public land
Elevations range from 6,500-13,500 feet
46% Wilderness
Maps, GPS, and a compass are recommended
Be aware of Wilderness Area boundaries
Modern lodging available on the mountain
Unlimited number of places to camp on National Forest land