Unit | Hunting license |
Resident | $34.50 |
Nonresident | $172 |
Unit | Juvenile hunting license |
Resident | $10 |
Nonresident | $10 |
Unit | Application fee/per species |
Resident | $8 |
Nonresident | $8 |
Unit | *Elk (controlled or general) |
Resident | $49.50 |
Nonresident | $588 |
Unit | *Antelope |
Resident | $51.50 |
Nonresident | $395.50 |
Unit | Resident | Nonresident |
Hunting license | $34.50 | $172 |
Juvenile hunting license | $10 | $10 |
Application fee/per species | $8 | $8 |
*Elk (controlled or general) | $49.50 | $588 |
*Antelope | $51.50 | $395.50 |
Oregon current snowpack as of April 6, 2022. Source: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Oregon current snowpack as of April 26, 2021. Source: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Oregon drought status as of March 29, 2022. Source: US Drought Monitor
Oregon drought status as of April 20, 2021. Source: US Drought Monitor
Note: The application deadline in Oregon for all species is May 15 at 11:59 p.m. PST and all applications must be submitted online or at a licensed sales agent.
Remember that GOHUNT has Draw Odds for all female species.
To view more important information, including a state overview of Oregon’s rules/regulations, the draw system, draw odds, and license fees, go to the Oregon state profile. It also includes an interactive map where you can research unit boundaries and data on a unit-by-unit basis.
Note: Like other preference point states, there is point creep in the more popular units of the state. What this means is if you see a unit that was drawn last year at five points, it's possible that it may require six points this year due to the fact that there are more applicants than permits available. Be aware of that as you evaluate the draw odds. It helps to review the detailed draw odds pages where you can see five years' worth of draw data to help evaluate the likelihood of point creep.
In 2022, Oregon’s drought continues to linger, with no signs of improving, as the winter months are now behind us. In terms of the current snowpack, every portion of the state has either stayed the same or declined, compared to 2021. Most of the state is struggling, with <50% - 90% of its annual average of snowpack. Only one portion of the state, in the north-central section, is at 100% of its annual average.
The drought outlook is not good with the bulk of the state in some stages of drought from abnormally dry to extremely dry. The central, to south-central part of the state is experiencing extreme and exceptional drought conditions. Overall, the central part of the state is in bad shape. Going into the hunting seasons of 2022, it will likely be an average to below-average antler growth year again.
Oregon drought status as of April 20, 2021. Source: US Drought Monitor
Oregon’s draw for elk and antelope is a preference point hybrid system. There is both a preference point and a random draw portion. Out of the total tags, 75% are allocated to the highest point holders who apply for any given hunt, and the other 25% are randomly allocated with no weight given to the number of points that you have. On the random side of that draw, every applicant is on a level playing field for those tags.
Note: if there are only three or fewer for any particular hunt, those will be given to the highest point applicants.
As a nonresident, is Oregon a good state to apply for? What are the tag splits? This is where Oregon gets tricky as nonresidents are only allocated a maximum of 3% of the antelope tags and a maximum of 5% of the elk tags. It gets even worse: out of those tag percentages, 2.5% of these are allocated prior to the main draw in the guides and outfitters program. At best, there are only 2% of the elk tags and .5% of the antelope tags that can be allocated to nonresidents in the main draw, and, for the good hunts, there are so few tags that NO tags are randomly allocated. If you are not a high point holder, the good tags in Oregon are essentially off-limits for nonresidents.
Oregon is also relatively expensive for a nonresident adult to apply in. As previously stated, you have to buy the $172 hunting license and then pay the $8 application fee per species. In our opinion, the juice may not be worth the squeeze unless you live in an adjacent state and are willing to research the odds and hunts available and know what you are getting into before starting down the road of the Oregon application process.
If applicants wish to build points only, then they can apply with the point-only code as their first choice. In this scenario, applicants will use the point saver code 299 for elk and 499 for antelope as their first choice. Applicants can also apply for points only in the summer months from July 1 to Nov. 30.
Oregon will allow applicants to enter five hunt choices. Every applicant's first choice is considered before moving to an applicant's second choice, so on and so forth. Preference points are only purged if an applicant draws their first choice. There is no waiting period for reapplying for elk or antelope if you drew a tag the previous year.
Oregon will allow group applications for elk and antelope of any size. A group application will have their points averaged and will round up to the next whole number if the average is .51 or above and down to the whole number if the average is .50 or below. A group application is treated as a single application where, if selected, all applicants will receive a tag provided there are enough tags to satisfy the size of the group. If there are not enough tags, no one on that application will receive a tag.
If you are successful in drawing a tag, you have up until the day before the earliest hunt starts to purchase the tag. Once you have purchased the tag, you cannot return the tag for a refund. If you draw your first choice, your preference points will be purged so make sure you actually want the permit you apply for.
In addition to the regular controlled hunt drawing, Oregon offers a separate draw for hunts that they call premium hunts. This is a completely separate hunt drawing that allows tag holders to hunt extended season dates with any weapon. These hunts are 100% randomly drawn each year and there are no preference or bonus points attached to the application. There is no resident or nonresident quota. The season dates for the lucky tag holders are Aug. 1 to Nov. 30 each year. Standard application fees exist and the applicant can apply for five different choices on their application. They are only allowed to apply once per species (hunt code).
Oregon has both Roosevelt and Rocky Mountain elk hunting opportunities with the Roosevelt units located along the Coastal and Cascade ranges in the western part of the state and Rocky Mountain elk units in the central and eastern portion of the state. When researching elk hunts in Oregon within your INSIDER account, to look at Roosevelt elk hunts, you will need to select “Roosevelt Elk” from the species list. If you select “Elk” you will see the Rocky Mountain elk hunts only that are located in the central and eastern portions.
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) manages most of the state for opportunity rather than trophy potential. There are a few units/hunts for both Roosevelt and Rocky Mountain elk that are managed for a trophy-caliber bull, but the odds of drawing a Rocky Mountain bull tag for those is very low and, in some cases, nonexistent for the bulk of nonresidents. The Roosevelt trophy caliber hunts are somewhat easier to draw, but will still require a good number of points to guarantee a tag.
There are good opportunity OTC hunts throughout the state for both species. However, for the 2022 season, 13 units and 3 sub-units for Rocky Mountain Elk OTC hunts, have now been converted to archery-controlled hunts. There have been no changes to the western Roosevelt OTC hunts. The new archery-controlled hunts will be displayed in one of the following tables.
Rocky Mountain elk populations are generally healthy throughout the state. Roosevelt populations are steady to slightly declining. In the table below, you can see the most current population and bull:cow ratios.
*Displaying the most recent data. No updated 2022 data
Oregon offers very little to the nonresident Rocky Mountain elk applicant who is just getting started in the point game. The best hunts in the state offer very few permits and the point creep is so significant that you may never catch up. Be aware of that as you review the hit list and associated odds.
The state still offers really good OTC hunting for both species and we will cover the better opportunities for those hunts below. Also, be sure to take a look at the new archery-controlled hunts for 2022. With this being the first year, there is no draw data for these hunts, but it could be a good opportunity to pick up a decent elk tag.
Residents with no points could have drawn 41 different hunts. Out of those, six were archery (one traditional archery only), one Unit 60 muzzleloader hunt and the rest were rifle hunts. Out of the six archery hunts, three were valid for spike bull only. The options for branch antlered bulls were in Unit 36and 39. Archery for the units has had historically very low harvest success and was only 5% in 2020.
Rifle hunters with no points have many more options. A quick search within the INSIDER research platform yields nine units that have harvest success of 20% or greater and also have 100% odds with no points. However, the percentage of public lands within those units is low.
Applicants interested in hunting Roosevelt bulls might research Unit 10, 24, and 26. Out of those, 10 and 24 had controlled rifle success greater than 20%. The other areas had success at or greater than 10%. Before applying for these, make sure you do a review of the land ownership and find possible places to hunt.
When considering getting started with an elk application in Oregon, it’s worth looking at the odds and doing some research into the potential Oregon has to offer. If your goal is to hunt a trophy-caliber bull, Oregon is probably not the state to pursue. The units that can produce that caliber of bull are few and the odds of drawing one of those are slim to none due to the extremely low number of tags allocated to nonresidents. We would advise applicants to consider their objectives, draw system, odds, and cost before they decide to apply. We do not consider Oregon a must-apply state for Rocky Mountain elk.
There are some options if you want to try hunting Oregon Elk. Applicants looking at Rocky Mountain elk hunting opportunities with no points might research Unit 48, 60 and, perhaps,65. All three had rifle hunts that were drawn with no points and harvest success rates approaching or greater than 20%. Unit 60 encompasses the famed Eagle Cap Wilderness; however, be prepared if you plan on taking on this remote terrain.
There were a couple of other rifle hunts for spike bulls only that were drawn with no points in Unit 54and 55 that had 23% and 26% harvest success. If you live in a border state, those may be of interest, but there are likely better opportunities in other states like Colorado or even Utah.
Nonresidents who are interested in hunting Roosevelt bulls might consider Unit 24 archery. Rifle hunters should consider Unit 10, 24, and 26. Harvest success is good for those and the public land percentages are 27%, 35%, and 50% respectively. Applicants will want to do some research into public land options and access before applying.
Residents who have five to six points have many options to draw a tag and go hunting. There are 16 archery hunts and 11 could have been drawn with five points. Out of those, the more interesting options are Unit 37, 48, and 58. It’s worth noting that all of those could have been drawn with two to three points. The best muzzleloader hunts within this range are Units 34/35/39, and 35/77. These could have been drawn with two points.
Out of the 78 rifle hunts, 69 had 100% odds at five points. Within those, the best options are rifle hunts in the Units 49, 48, 57, 38, 65,61, 58, and46.
The best Roosevelt hunt options with five to six points would be archery in Unit 26, muzzleloader in Unit 14 , and the rifle hunts in 26 and, possibly, 15/18
Nonresident bowhunters have many options but will be giving up several points to draw them. The best option is likely Units 52 and 58, which required four to six points last year.
The best muzzleloader hunts for this point range are 34/38/39/77, 35/77,66/67/68and 60. Those hunts were all drawn with fewer points last year. Rifle hunters should consider Units 36, 38, 46, 48, 49, 58, 61, and 65.
If you are interested in burning your points on a Roosevelt elk hunt, there are only a few hunts you cannot draw. Those that can’t be drawn are the archery hunt in Unit 26 and the rifle hunts in 23 and 26. Some of the better options for your points are rifle hunts in 15/18 and one of the two hunts in 25 and 27.
Every archery hunt could be drawn except for the big three: 54, 55, and 56. They required 18, 17, and 22 points to draw in 2021. If you have 10 points and decide not to continue to play the point game, Unit 57 was drawn with eight points.
All muzzleloader hunts were available with 10 points except Unit 48, which took 11 points. Rifle hunters might consider Unit 37. Unit 59 required seven points.
Rifle hunts in Unit 54 required 20 points. Unit 55 has two rifle seasons that require 14 and 20 points. Unit 56 took 19 to 20 points.
Archery elk hunters considering Unit 54 and 56 should know that those took 23 and 24 points. If you have 10 points, it might be worth chasing Unit 57 archery.
Rifle hunters should consider Unit 37, which was drawn with nine points. Rifle hunts in 54 and 56 had hunts that took 24, and 25 points. One of the better options is Unit 59, which had a late rifle hunt that required 12-13 points.
Oregon has done a great job of managing its antelope herds. In the early 2000s, the population was as low as 5,000. However, populations seemed to have peaked around 2017 at approximately 21,188 and the most recent statewide population is estimated at 17,439.
Trophy potential is generally really good in most units with a few standing out almost every year. The most highly sought-after units are the Whitehorse, Beatys Butte, Steens Mt, Juniper, Wagontire, and Warner. All of those units produce 80”+ bucks most years, but almost every unit in the state can produce a trophy-caliber buck with decent moisture. Although Oregon is getting some last-minute spring storms, the moisture outlook for most of the Antelope units is not good (refer to the drought data above).
There is some bad news for antelope hunting in Oregon: only 3% of the tags can be drawn by nonresidents and good tags will take 15 to 25 years to draw. If you are a nonresident who is buying a nonrefundable hunting license to apply for other species, it’s a good idea to also apply for antelope for the minimal application fee.
Unit 77 was the only archery antelope hunt that had 100% odds with no points. Four other units had double-digit odds, including Units 32, 66,67 and 75. Applicants can consider applying for the top trophy units and hope to get lucky in the draw or explore the hunts listed above.
Muzzleloader and rifle hunters have no guarantee to draw. The muzzleloader hunt on 32/33/75/77 had random odds of 5.9%. Unit 76/77 also had 6.2% random odds. No rifle hunt had random odds greater than 2.2% with no points.
Unit 77 archery had 100% odds with no points, but the harvest success for the last two years has been 0%. No other archery hunt had odds greater than 2.8% with no points. The only two hunts that had random archery odds with no points were Units 64 and 75.
Unit 35 was only one hunt that offered a random chance to nonresident muzzleloader hunters. Only six of the total rifle hunts offered a random chance at a tag. The Unit 45 rifle hunt had the best random odds at .70%
Archery hunts in Units 35, 36, and 67 are all good options. Muzzleloader hunters should consider the 32/33/75 and 76/77 hunts. Rifle hunters are still at a random level, with 5-6 points. The best odds are in Unit 45 with 2.2%.
Four archery antelope hunts could be drawn, including Unit 36 and 66, which are the best options for bowhunters in that range.
Unit 76/77 were the only muzzleloader hunts available at this point level. Rifle hunters can consider applying for one of the six units that had a random tag available to nonresidents. Those are Units 35, 38, 45, 51, 62/63 and 64. None of those had odds greater than 1%.
The best options for residents who have waited a decade to possibly draw are the archery hunts in Units70 (WB), 73 and, possibly, 74 although it’s likely to take 11 or 12 points this year. There are also some good muzzleloader hunts, including 35, 70 (EB) and, possibly, 73 although it’s likely to require 11 or 12 points. Rifle hunters finally have a hunt they can draw with 10 points: Unit 45. At 11 to 14 points, applicants can consider Units 36, 37, 40/43/44, 46, 47/48, 51, 66, 67, 72, 75, and 76/77. Applicants with 15 to 20 points should research Units 35, 62/63, 64, 65, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, and 74. Review the hit list above for a more detailed review of the possible options.
The best archery hunt available is in Unit 73, which now takes 12 points. The Unit 70 (WB) required 13 points last year. Both offer good hunts if you do not wish to burn your points on fewer units.
Muzzleloader hunters might consider Unit 35, which was available at 9 points. The other muzzleloader hunts were drawn at the 11 to 15 point levels. Rifle hunters had options with 11 points, including hunts in Units 45 and 47/48. There are a few more options available in the 12 to 15-point level. Review the draw odds to see your best bets. The best hunts in the state will require 20 to 26 points.
Archery elk hunting in 13 units and 3 subunits in eastern Oregon has changed from general season to controlled archery elk hunts.
Eastern Oregon and the Powers Unit controlled archery elk tags are not valid in general season areas.
The Umatilla National Forest Cooperative Travel Management Area is in effect for parts of Fossil, Heppner, Ukiah, Desolation, Mt. Emily, Walla Walla and Wenaha units.
Muzzleloaders do not require an open ignition.
You can apply online here.
The deadline to apply is May 15, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. PST.
Results will be available by June 20, 2022.
If you made an error on your application, corrections can be made up to June 1.
You are required to purchase a hunting license prior to applying.
Applicants do not have to front the cost of the permits they apply for.
If you are successful, you will receive a notification to purchase your tag.
Hunters 17 years old or younger need to have a hunter’s education certificate unless they are ages nine to 15 and enrolled in the youth mentor program.
Oregon elk and antelope draw tags are allocated on a hybrid preference point system.
75% of the tags are allocated to maximum point holders; 25% are randomly allocated with no regard to points.
Point-only codes are as follows:
You cannot apply for a second through fifth choice if you choose to apply for a point saver as your first choice. (If the goal is to draw on a second choice and retain your points, always apply for a hard-to-draw hunt in the state so if you do happen to get lucky it will be in a top-shelf unit with excellent dates.)
Points can also be purchased during a separate timeframe from July 1 to Nov. 30.
299: Elk Point saver
499: antelope point saver
Unit |
Trophy potential |
Harvest success |
Resident points to draw |
Nonresident points to draw |
300"+ |
Archery (gen): 14% |
N/A |
N/A |
290"+ |
Archery (gen): 15% |
N/A |
N/A |
290"+ |
Archery (gen): 21% |
N/A |
N/A |
290"+ |
Archery: 36% |
100% with 3 |
100% with 15 |
280"+ |
Archery (gen): 12% |
N/A |
N/A |
280"+ |
Archery (gen): 17% |
N/A |
N/A |
Unit | Trophy potential | Harvest success | Resident points to draw | Nonresident points to draw |
300"+ | Archery (gen): 14% | N/A | N/A | |
290"+ | Archery (gen): 15% | N/A | N/A | |
290"+ | Archery (gen): 21% | N/A | N/A | |
290"+ | Archery: 36% | 100% with 3 | 100% with 15 | |
280"+ | Archery (gen): 12% | N/A | N/A | |
280"+ | Archery (gen): 17% | N/A | N/A |
Unit |
Trophy potential |
Harvest success |
Resident points to draw |
Nonresident points to draw |
360"+ |
Archery: 63% |
82% with 21 |
67% with 23 |
350"+ |
Archery: 38% |
19% with 17 |
13% with 22 |
340"+ |
Archery: 50% |
46% with 16 |
100% with 22 |
340"+ |
Archery: 12% |
47% with 1 |
100% with 2 |
330"+ |
Archery: 24% |
95% with 7 |
20% with 12 |
320"+ |
Archery: 26% |
62% with 2 |
100% with 4 |
320"+ |
Muzzleloader: 11% |
87% with 1 |
80% with 1 |
Unit | Trophy potential | Harvest success | Resident points to draw | Nonresident points to draw |
360"+ | Archery: 63% | 82% with 21 | 67% with 23 | |
350"+ | Archery: 38% | 19% with 17 | 13% with 22 | |
340"+ | Archery: 50% | 46% with 16 | 100% with 22 | |
340"+ | Archery: 12% | 47% with 1 | 100% with 2 | |
330"+ | Archery: 24% | 95% with 7 | 20% with 12 | |
320"+ | Archery: 26% | 62% with 2 | 100% with 4 | |
320"+ | Muzzleloader: 11% | 87% with 1 | 80% with 1 |
Unit |
Trophy potential |
Harvest success |
Bull:Cow ratio |
% bulls 6 pt. + |
Public land % |
310”+ |
Archery: 12% |
14:100 |
37% |
46% |
300”+ |
Archery: 35% |
21:100 |
41% |
38% |
300”+ |
Archery: 14% |
23:100 |
12% |
27% |
300”+ |
Archery: 20% |
8:100 |
12% |
10% |
290”+ |
Archery: 21% |
19:100 |
19% |
33% |
280”+ |
Archery: 13% |
5:100 |
29% |
83% |
290”+ |
Archery: 12% |
4:100 |
36% |
60% |
280”+ |
Rifle: 13% |
7:100 |
12% |
15% |
Unit | Trophy potential | Harvest success | Bull:Cow ratio | % bulls 6 pt. + | Public land % |
310”+ | Archery: 12% | 14:100 | 37% | 46% | |
300”+ | Archery: 35% | 21:100 | 41% | 38% | |
300”+ | Archery: 14% | 23:100 | 12% | 27% | |
300”+ | Archery: 20% | 8:100 | 12% | 10% | |
290”+ | Archery: 21% | 19:100 | 19% | 33% | |
280”+ | Archery: 13% | 5:100 | 29% | 83% | |
290”+ | Archery: 12% | 4:100 | 36% | 60% | |
280”+ | Rifle: 13% | 7:100 | 12% | 15% |
Unit |
Trophy potential |
Harvest success |
Resident points to draw |
Nonresident points to draw |
80"+ |
Archery (HM): 77% |
51% with 15 |
50% with 20 |
80"+ |
Archery: 48% |
24% with 10 |
100% with 20 |
80"+ |
Rifle: 86% |
47% with 15 |
33% with 21 |
80"+ |
Archery: 100% |
87% with 15 |
50% with 20 |
80"+ |
Rifle: 78% |
68% with 15 |
25% with 20 |
80"+ |
Archery: 100% |
100% with 11 |
100% with 12 |
75"+ |
Rifle: 72% |
35% with 14 |
100% with 18 |
75"+ |
Archery: 7% |
69% with 4 |
100% with 6 |
75"+ |
Muzzleloader: 48% |
70% with 5 |
100% with 6 |
75"+ |
Archery: 16% |
96% with 1 |
67% with 2 |
75”+ |
Archery: 26% |
29% with 2 |
100% with 3 |
Unit | Trophy potential | Harvest success | Resident points to draw | Nonresident points to draw |
80"+ | Archery (HM): 77% | 51% with 15 | 50% with 20 | |
80"+ | Archery: 48% | 24% with 10 | 100% with 20 | |
80"+ | Rifle: 86% | 47% with 15 | 33% with 21 | |
80"+ | Archery: 100% | 87% with 15 | 50% with 20 | |
80"+ | Rifle: 78% | 68% with 15 | 25% with 20 | |
80"+ | Archery: 100% | 100% with 11 | 100% with 12 | |
75"+ | Rifle: 72% | 35% with 14 | 100% with 18 | |
75"+ | Archery: 7% | 69% with 4 | 100% with 6 | |
75"+ | Muzzleloader: 48% | 70% with 5 | 100% with 6 | |
75"+ | Archery: 16% | 96% with 1 | 67% with 2 | |
75”+ | Archery: 26% | 29% with 2 | 100% with 3 |
Unit |
Trophy potential |
Harvest success |
Bull:cow ratio |
2022 Tag Quota |
320"+ |
Archery: 11% |
11:100 |
1,030 |
310”+ |
Archery: 12% |
13:100 |
1,055 |
320”+ |
Archery: 17% |
9:100 |
1,600 |
310”+ |
Archery: 14% |
13:100 |
1,300 |
310”+ |
Archery: 11% |
9:100 |
1,085 |
310”+ |
Archery: N/A |
17:100 |
530 |
320”+ |
Archery: 15% |
8:100 |
1,300 |
300”+ |
Archery: 20% |
18:100 |
1,750 |
330”+ |
Archery: 13% |
7:100 |
270 |
300”+ |
Archery: 15% |
20:100 |
500 |
290”+ |
Archery: N/A |
13:100 |
450 |
310”+ |
Archery: 10% |
9:100 |
855 |
Unit | Trophy potential | Harvest success | Bull:cow ratio | 2022 Tag Quota |
320"+ | Archery: 11% | 11:100 | 1,030 | |
310”+ | Archery: 12% | 13:100 | 1,055 | |
320”+ | Archery: 17% | 9:100 | 1,600 | |
310”+ | Archery: 14% | 13:100 | 1,300 | |
310”+ | Archery: 11% | 9:100 | 1,085 | |
310”+ | Archery: N/A | 17:100 | 530 | |
320”+ | Archery: 15% | 8:100 | 1,300 | |
300”+ | Archery: 20% | 18:100 | 1,750 | |
330”+ | Archery: 13% | 7:100 | 270 | |
300”+ | Archery: 15% | 20:100 | 500 | |
290”+ | Archery: N/A | 13:100 | 450 | |
310”+ | Archery: 10% | 9:100 | 855 |
Unit |
Population estimate |
Bull:cow ratio |
1,817 |
8:100 |
6,300 |
- |
4,450 |
16:100 |
4,550 |
14:100 |
1,264 |
- |
4,869 |
11:100 |
3,417 |
26:100 |
- |
28:100 |
7,000 |
15:100 |
3,500 |
19:100 |
1,500 |
- |
1,200 |
5:100 |
400 |
- |
- |
- |
550 |
- |
800 |
7:100 |
700 |
9:100 |
3,000 |
- |
1,441 |
4:100 |
2,861 |
15:100 |
2,600 |
11:100 |
800 |
- |
2,500 |
8:100 |
Total/Average |
55,519 |
13:100 |
Unit | Population estimate | Bull:cow ratio |
1,817 | 8:100 | |
6,300 | - | |
4,450 | 16:100 | |
4,550 | 14:100 | |
1,264 | - | |
4,869 | 11:100 | |
3,417 | 26:100 | |
- | 28:100 | |
7,000 | 15:100 | |
3,500 | 19:100 | |
1,500 | - | |
1,200 | 5:100 | |
400 | - | |
- | - | |
550 | - | |
800 | 7:100 | |
700 | 9:100 | |
3,000 | - | |
1,441 | 4:100 | |
2,861 | 15:100 | |
2,600 | 11:100 | |
800 | - | |
2,500 | 8:100 | |
Total/Average | 55,519 | 13:100 |
Unit |
Population estimate |
Bull:cow ratio |
1,400 |
8:100 |
400 |
- |
800 |
6:100 |
700 |
5:100 |
4,300 |
11:100 |
1,200 |
19:100 |
s800 |
40:100 |
1,500 |
9:100 |
375 |
- |
- |
6:100 |
600 |
- |
1,600 |
- |
2,000 |
11:100 |
2,500 |
13:100 |
4,800 |
9:100 |
5,800 |
13:100 |
1,000 |
9:100 |
2,311 |
17:100 |
5,100 |
8:100 |
1,750 |
18:100 |
2,600 |
12:100 |
1,600 |
10:100 |
1,400 |
20:100 |
4,000 |
8:100 |
2,750 |
18:100 |
2,400 |
7:100 |
1,800 |
7:100 |
2,250 |
13:100 |
630 |
10:100 |
924 |
9:100 |
1,429 |
14:100 |
1,200 |
17:100 |
400 |
20:100 |
1,374 |
13:100 |
2,325 |
9:100 |
200 |
14:100 |
300 |
6:100 |
1,700 |
13:100 |
1,500 |
13:100 |
Total/Average |
69,718 |
12:100 |
Unit | Population estimate | Bull:cow ratio |
1,400 | 8:100 | |
400 | - | |
800 | 6:100 | |
700 | 5:100 | |
4,300 | 11:100 | |
1,200 | 19:100 | |
s800 | 40:100 | |
1,500 | 9:100 | |
375 | - | |
- | 6:100 | |
600 | - | |
1,600 | - | |
2,000 | 11:100 | |
2,500 | 13:100 | |
4,800 | 9:100 | |
5,800 | 13:100 | |
1,000 | 9:100 | |
2,311 | 17:100 | |
5,100 | 8:100 | |
1,750 | 18:100 | |
2,600 | 12:100 | |
1,600 | 10:100 | |
1,400 | 20:100 | |
4,000 | 8:100 | |
2,750 | 18:100 | |
2,400 | 7:100 | |
1,800 | 7:100 | |
2,250 | 13:100 | |
630 | 10:100 | |
924 | 9:100 | |
1,429 | 14:100 | |
1,200 | 17:100 | |
400 | 20:100 | |
1,374 | 13:100 | |
2,325 | 9:100 | |
200 | 14:100 | |
300 | 6:100 | |
1,700 | 13:100 | |
1,500 | 13:100 | |
Total/Average | 69,718 | 12:100 |