A bow needs to fit the individual who shoots it. Likewise, arrows must be correctly sized for the bow. Before attempting to shoot a bow and arrow, get familiar with the bow's draw weight and draw length.
Every bow has a label describing how the bow is set up, with the string and cable length. It is usually located on the inside of the lower limb.
Draw weightDraw weight describes the maximum amount of weight needed to pull a bow string completely back. The draw weight is measured in pounds. When purchasing a bow, be sure you can pull it back comfortably. The bow string should be pulled back in a smooth motion to full draw. If you struggle to do this motion, the draw weight is too high and will result in poor shot placement.
Safety first! Drawing back a bow with too high a draw weight may result in pulled muscles in your chest and shoulder areas or other potentially permanent damage to your shoulder.
Draw lengthDraw length describes the distance between the bow string and the grip at full draw. Bows come in different draw lengths; the most common are 26 inches, 27 inches, 28 inches and 29 inches. When purchasing a bow, it is very important to have it properly fitted by a reputable dealer.
Remember! Drawing a bow back that does not fit your draw length may result in damage to your bow.
Anchor pointThe anchor point is the location of the archer's face, mouth or jaw at full draw. This is where the drawing hand is positioned to provide the archer with a consistent anchor point for each shot.