A Hunt Plan I created the other year as an example.
Tag Type | Regular (both) deer and/or whitetail deer |
Quota | 14,000 |
Tag Type | Zone A and B elk |
Quota | 12,815 |
Tag Type | Reserved whitetail deer* |
Quota | 1,500 |
Tag Type | Nonresident DAV elk |
Quota | 300 |
Tag Type | Nonresident DAV deer |
Quota | 500 |
Tag Type | Quota |
Regular (both) deer and/or whitetail deer | 14,000 |
Zone A and B elk | 12,815 |
Reserved whitetail deer* | 1,500 |
Nonresident DAV elk | 300 |
Nonresident DAV deer | 500 |
The above screenshot was grabbed while I was going through the process of the "waiting room" on the December 10, 2025, tag sale date.
The screen will keep you updated on the time remaining until the 10 a.m. "pre-waiting room" time is over.
The screenshot above will be an example of what will happen once you get your random number assigned.
As you wait, you'll be able to see a list of tags that have sold out.
Login to access the Idaho Fish and Game licensing website.
It's that time of year again! Over the past several years, I've written this article to help nonresident hunters navigate Idaho's process for the December 10 sale of general season elk and deer tags. By now, I'm sure most people understand how this works, but it can still be fairly confusing if you're new to trying to pick up an Idaho tag.
New this year, Idaho moved the tag sale date to December 10, 2024, to "provide better customer service for residents and nonresidents."
One of the first important dates for hunting research each year is Idaho’s OTC nonresident general season tag sale date for elk and deer.
This article is a HUGE reminder that all nonresident Idaho OTC deer and elk tags go on sale on December 10, 2024, at 10 a.m. Mountain Time for purchasing a tag for the 2025 season.
Once December 10 arrives, you can purchase tags online, over the phone (1-800-554-8685), at a licensed vendor location, or at an Idaho Fish and Game regional office during normal business hours. During this tag sale, tags may be purchased for another person online, by phone, at a Fish and Game office, or a license vendor location. Keep in mind that if you want to buy a tag for another person online, you'll have to start over in the virtual line.
For in-person sales at Fish and Game offices, customers will be served on a first-come, first-served basis. Anyone (including outfitters) wishing to purchase for five or more individuals at a Fish and Game office must use the designated high-volume terminal that will be identified at each office.
Perspective nonresident tag buyers should contact the license vendor or individual Fish and Game office for specific sales-day information, including hours of operation, camping restrictions, sales process, specific sales rules, line management, etc.
Note: this is only for nonresident general season tags and has nothing to do with controlled hunts. If you pick up a general tag, you can still apply for a controlled hunt later in 2025, and if you draw a controlled tag, you will be given the option to turn in your general tag for the controlled tag.
Be sure to check out the article linked in the button below to see historical nonresident tag sales by channel (internet, vendors, IDFG Offices). This is great data to look at to see what method might be best in order to pick up an Idaho nonresident deer or elk tag.
For 2025, this tag process will be the same as in years past. If you've tried to get a tag the last few years, you'll understand the process and what is at stake. Demand for these nonresident Idaho elk and deer tags is always high on this first December tag sale date. You should plan accordingly; expect long wait times, system slowness, and a limited number of products available for purchase.
Nonresident hunters are also advised that there will be new big game seasons set for 2025 in March, so hunts may not be the same in 2025 as they are in 2024.
This article will help you understand the best practices for getting a tag, how to research these hunts, and the system. It is a very long article, but I wanted to provide all the intricate details to make this a smooth process for all hunters.
I've always said that it is essential to prepare ahead of time for this tag sale date because, most likely, the same long wait times that everyone experienced the past several years will happen again. Do keep in mind that certain units and zones will sell out quickly. Because of this fact, I like to have a plan in place of at least five to 10 units that I have already researched, that I'd be happy to pick up a tag for. That way, I have options if the unit or zone I'm looking at sells out, and I don't have to panic since I have a backup plan.
Each year, Idaho's website becomes "temporarily unavailable" during its nonresident tag sale for anything other than the sale of tags. So, if you think you'll be able to do last-minute research on Idaho's website looking at harvest stats, you will be disappointed. This is why Insider exists. To always help you with your hunting research 24/7/365.
The best way to prepare for this tag sale date is by diving into GOHUNT's Filtering tool on Insider, either through the web or mobile app.
On the web, once logged in, navigate to Tools > Filtering and click on Idaho, select your species, then select your OTC season. This will then map out all of the OTC units for that species in Idaho. From there, you can manipulate the filters to start to really narrow down your search results for what you're looking for in a hunt. Then, my next approach would be to head over the Unit Profile for that unit to read up on it, and finally, I'll jump over to GOHUNT Maps and really dive into the habitat and terrain. This is also when I'll play around with different mapping layers.
Check out the links below to take you directly to the OTC hunts for each species/weapon on Filtering:
If you're curious about what areas of the state each Idaho elk zone is located in, you can also find that in Filtering. Once you're in Filtering, select Idaho > Species: Elk and then tap on "Zone Profiles" at the top. A tab will open up, allowing you to scroll through the list to see the elk zones mapped out. You can then click on a zone to pull up a short "Zone Profile" to really see what units are included in each zone.
Elk hunting in Idaho is managed in 28 elk zones with a two-tag system in most zones - A tag & B tag. Hunters may select one elk zone and choose either an A tag or a B tag.
Again, I like to jump into Unit Profiles of several units to learn more information about them. AND... remember you can even save units. This is a feature on Insider we released a couple of years ago! Once you've saved some seasons, you can access your "Hunts" by hovering over Tools and then click on Hunt Planner.
Once you're in your saved hunts section, you now have the ability to compare units, add notes, and totally customize this personalized to your research page.
Now, one more step I like to take is to dive into several of those units using GOHUNT Maps to check out the terrain and public land.
To get a general season tag in Idaho, you need to purchase a $185 hunting license and add it to your cart before you can fully check out with a tag. If you select the tag first, a prompt will appear to select a hunting license. To make this process even smoother, I purchase my hunting license before the tag sale time, or to make it even easier, I ensure that I’m set up for Auto Renew.
Note: It's not required to pick up a hunting license ahead of time before this tag sale date like I do. You can add a hunting license to your cart when you purchase a license. If you purchase a hunting license ahead of time and can't get the unit/zone you want, no refund of the hunting license will be made. Each year, I purchase mine ahead of time due to applying for a controlled hunt at a later date.
Nonresident hunting, fishing, and combination licenses for 2025 will go on sale at midnight MST on December 1, 2024.
Nonresident tag limits published here were set using the previous year’s (2024) seasons and rules. Tag numbers identified in the 2025 Nonresident General Tags and Tags Allocated to Outfitters brochure may change for the 2025 season in response to the 2025 season setting process. The Fish and Game Commission retains emergency authority to modify or eliminate hunts within the season-setting cycle.
Note: Idaho resident deer and elk tags are not limited by quotas.
* Reserved whitetail deer tags become available after the main quota of 14,000 has sold out and those licenses will be available on March 20, 2025, at 10 a.m. MST. Includes outfitter and non-outfitted tags.
Deer and elk tags are allocated for outfitted hunters in general-season hunts, capped elk zones, and controlled hunts. A portion of the statewide general-season nonresident quotas for deer and elk are set aside for allocation to outfitted hunters for general-season hunts. For the 2025 season, 1,846 deer tags and 2,975 elk tags are set aside to be allocated. The 2,975 elk tags include capped elk zones.
Beginning in the 2021 season, nonresident DAV priced tags are limited to 500 deer tags, and 300 elk tags. Once those 800 tags have been sold, DAV license holders can purchase available general nonresident tags at the nonresident price. These tags also go on sale on December 10 at 10 a.m. MT.
DAV tags are valid statewide.
To buy discounted tags, disabled American Veterans must have at least 40 percent service-connected disability. They must submit the required DAV certification documents to Fish and Game before Dec. 10 so that there is time for the buyer’s profile to be reviewed and updated with DAV status.
Nonresidents with Idaho lifetime hunting licenses cannot buy deer and elk tags during this sale. They can buy tags during the summer 2025 resident tag sales period and are not subject to the nonresident tag limits.
Nonresident junior mentored hunters planning to hunt in a capped elk zone should try to buy capped zone tags on Dec. 10 because they will likely sell out fast. Uncapped elk zones and statewide deer tags can be purchased at any time. A reminder that all junior mentored hunters must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older who holds a license and tag that is valid for the same species as the youth hunter.
Below are tables on the tag quotas for the 2025 hunting season.
Currently, the nonresident tag numbers tag limits published here were set using the previous year’s (2024) seasons and rules based on the 2025 Nonresident General Tags and Tags Allocated to Outfitters supplemental proclamation from Idaho Fish and Game here. Nonresident hunters in general season deer and uncapped elk zone hunts are limited to 10 or 15 percent of the total hunters in each unit or elk zone. Some backcountry deer units have been limited to the five-year average number of nonresidents, where overall hunter numbers have been relatively low. When purchasing a nonresident tag, you must choose the unit or zone from those available.
If you need help deciding which unit or zone to pick up a tag for, be sure to check out Filtering.
As I've stated each year, this is a slow tag process; it just is what it is, so have faith, and I hope you get a lucky random number.
I know it might be hard to do, but if you can’t be by your computer all morning, you might want to attempt to take the morning off work if Idaho is the main state you have planned to hunt. This process is very tough for someone to grab a tag who can't be glued to a computer/phone or is driving for their job, etc.
But, unfortunately, if you want a tag, we all need to start thinking outside the box. So, it could be worth it to “call in sick” on the morning of December 10. Or even to a greater degree, if you really want a tag, it could be worth flying to Idaho to purchase a tag in person as those sales are typically faster than online.
I highly recommend that you double-check your login information before the sale. And if you haven't purchased or applied in Idaho before, set up your account before December 10 to make this process a lot smoother.
If you really want to ensure you get the deer unit/elk zone you want, you should get in the waiting room roughly 30 minutes in advance of the 10 a.m. sale time.
Everyone who accesses the GO Outdoors Idaho licensing page in advance will be put into a “virtual waiting room,” and then at 10 a.m., everyone who was in the waiting room will be randomly assigned a place in line to make a purchase, so there is no real benefit to accessing the waiting room well in advance of the sale. Each year, I hear people claiming that accessing the waiting room super early has a benefit, but it doesn't matter as long as you're in the waiting room before 10 a.m.
I have had co-workers who jump in the waiting room 5 minutes before the 10 a.m. sale date, and sometimes they randomly have a better number than I do. Then I also had some access the waiting room earlier than me, and they also got a better number than I did. So, there is no benefit to jumping in the waiting room super early. But I do it for a general peace of mind.
Please note that if you access the GO Outdoors Idaho licensing website after 10 a.m., you will be placed at the end of the line.
Once you get through the waiting room, you will need to log into your customer account to purchase a tag, and the ability to purchase multiple tags for different people under the same customer account is not currently available.
More on that. In case it’s not clear, if you access the Idaho Fish & Game licensing website early, you will be placed in the pre-sale waiting room. Keep your screen open, and I'd suggest not refreshing the screen.
Then, right at 10:00 a.m., you’ll be placed in the next waiting room, and your screen will look something like the above screenshot. Once you are at this screen, you’ll be able to see your number in line, the number of users in line ahead of you, and your estimated wait time.
Then, you will have to wait for your turn before you can jump in to purchase a license. Again, stay on this screen.
While on this screen, you will see some updates at the bottom if certain units/zones have sold out.
Once your time in the waiting room is over, you'll automatically move past the waiting room screen. You will need to log in with your Date of Birth, Last Name, and last four digits of your social security number.
You can then click on "Buy a License, Permit, and Tags" which will be in the upper-left portion of the home page. Then select the species you want to purchase a tag for and the unit/zone. This is where you'll see real-time tag availability for deer units and elk zones. Units/Zones that are unavailable will be marked as "sold out." Sometimes, if you go back to your IDFG licensing account page and then click back into the "Buy Licenses, Permits, and Tags" section, some tags will show up. I mention this as I have seen times when all tags for a species show sold out, when they shouldn't be sold out. So, doing this extra step fixes a bug on their end.
Once you add a tag to your cart, you will have 30 minutes to complete the sale. If you don't make the purchase in 30 minutes, the tag will be removed from your cart and made available to other hunters. Act fast and purchase a tag!
If you do, for some reason, need to return a tag you picked up, you can learn more about Idaho's tag return process here.
If you have any questions about this 2025 general season OTC tag sale date, be sure to drop a comment on this article. Best of luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!
This article has been updated for the 2025 nonresident sale date.
You can visit Idaho's nonresident deer and elk quota and limit page to see the quotas and unit/zone limits ahead of time.
December 10, 2024 @ 10 a.m. Mountain Time is when you can purchase a nonresident elk or deer tag for the 2025 hunting season.
Jump in and get in the waiting room/line on GO Outdoors Idaho licensing page roughly 30 minutes before 10 a.m.
The time you access the GO Outdoors Idaho licensing page prior to 10 a.m. MT doesn't matter, just make sure you jump in before 10 a.m.
At 10 a.m., everyone who was in the pre-sale waiting room will get randomly assigned a number.
Then, you will move on with a random number, and another countdown will begin.
Once your time in the waiting room is over, the screen will move you to the licensing page.
Login to your GO Outdoors Idaho account
From here, you can see the real-time number of available deer and elk tags and, if available still, purchase one.
Note: No group apps are allowed for the general season elk and deer tag sales.
A Tags generally provide more opportunities for muzzleloader and archery hunters
B tags provide more opportunities for rifle hunters
$185.00 for a hunting license
$351.75 for a deer tag
$651.75 for an elk tag
$23.75 for a deer DAV tag
$39.75 for an elk DAV tag
Idaho nonresident deer tags are on a unit basis, and elk are zones of units.
Online users, only one deer tag and one elk tag may be purchased for the person that is logged in once you get through the waiting room.
If you want to buy tags for another person online, you'll have to return to the virtual line and start over.
For example, if you jump in 30 minutes early, it doesn't mean you will get a better random number than someone who accesses the licensing page at 9:45 a.m.
Note, once you get through the waiting room, each hunter will need to log into their customer account to purchase a tag, and the ability to purchase tags for multiple customers under one account is not currently available.
If you access the GO Outdoors Idaho licensing page after 10 a.m., you'll be placed at the end of the line.
You’ll now be able to see your number in line, the number of users in line ahead of you, and your estimated wait time.
Then click on "Buy a License, Permits, or Tags," which is in the upper-left portion of the main Idaho license purchase home page.
Then select the species you want to purchase a tag for and the unit/zone.
If this system doesn't show you any tags, sometimes I find it helpful to go back to my GO Outdoors Idaho licensing account (don't go all the way outside of your account) and then jump back into the purchase tag section to see if there are tags available. This will clear a potential bug you might experience.
If you don't currently have a hunting license, you will be prompted to add one to your cart.