This article/video kicks off our third Wild Game Friday here at the GOHUNT office. Each Friday, we are going to bring you some of our favorite ways to cook wild game.
Disclaimer - We are not professional chefs, but we love cooking. So our goal with these is to showcase not only our favorite ways to cook wild game but these are also going to be recipes that are easy to make and with ingredients that are readily available.
A wise man once said, “To cook the perfect burger, you only flip once.” I am not sure if that’s totally true, but shoutout to my dad who taught me everything I know about grilling and cooking!
If you're a visual person, be sure to check out the video below on how to cook these burgers!
To start off, make sure your ground mule deer is thawed. Toss meat into a bowl, mix around and make your patties. Personally, I like thick burgers, but you can make them however you prefer. Season to your liking. I used garlic salt and Traeger’s Blackened Saskatchewan Rub simply because it was what I found at the office.
Fry up your maple bacon and, once those are cooked, throw your burgers on the grill, seasoned side down and season the other sides. Grill until burgers are done.
After the burgers are done, toss the buns on the grill inside faced down to get a nice crispiness so that the buns don't get all soggy.
Assembly time! Slice up some avocados and add those on top along with the bacon and a little bit of BBQ sauce of your choosing and you are set. Enjoy.
2 or 3 lbs of ground burger (enough for five to seven burgers)
1 package of thick maple bacon
3 or 4 ripe avocados
Whatever buns you like
Garlic salt