The Beaverhead zone is located in eastern Idaho and along the Montana border. Some excellent hunting can be found here, particularly later on in the season. Both over the counter and controlled hunt options exist here. Hunters will find excellent glassing opportunities here thanks to the open nature of the terrain but there is still plenty of timber for elk to call home. High country areas can be tough to reach and rugged but the physical effort needed can be well worth it.
Overall, the terrain in these units is very open with the predominant makeup being low lying flatlands. Along the Idaho/Montana border and extending south into units 58 and 59 are high rising mountain ranges that top out in rocky ridgelines. The terrain can get incredibly steep in these areas and physically traversing some of this country can be difficult. South-facing slopes tend to be mostly open with scattered pockets of timber while north facers see a much heavier density of timber and also provide great habitat for elk. This is big country and optics can save a lot of boot leather.
Most of the lower-lying areas will be comprised of private lands but nearly all of the high country areas are free range for hunters. Physically accessing the more remote areas can be a tall order but those up to the challenge can find some excellent hunting opportunities. Horse and other livestock use will be high at times in areas near established trails. Hunters on foot need to plan for this accordingly