License | Deer License |
Resident | $45.40 |
Nonresident | $434.80 |
Youth (16 & under) | $22.30 |
License | Elk License |
Resident | $50.90 |
Nonresident | $497.50 |
Youth (16 & under) | $22.30 |
License | Bighorn Sheep Permit |
Resident | $332 |
Nonresident | $1652 |
Youth (16 & under) | $57 |
License | Rocky Mountain Goat Permit |
Resident | $332 |
Nonresident | $1652 |
Youth (16 & under) | $57 |
License | Moose Permit |
Resident | $332 |
Nonresident | $1652 |
Youth (16 & under) | $57 |
License | Black Bear License |
Resident | $24.50 |
Nonresident | $222.50 |
Youth (16 & under) | $13.50 |
License | Special Hunt Permit App |
Resident | $7.10 |
Nonresident | $110.50 |
Youth (16 & under) | $3.80 |
License | Special Hunt Permit App - Quality Hunts |
Resident | $13.70 |
Nonresident | $110.50 |
Youth (16 & under) | $3.80 |
License | Resident | Nonresident | Youth (16 & under) |
Deer License | $45.40 | $434.80 | $22.30 |
Elk License | $50.90 | $497.50 | $22.30 |
Bighorn Sheep Permit | $332 | $1652 | $57 |
Rocky Mountain Goat Permit | $332 | $1652 | $57 |
Moose Permit | $332 | $1652 | $57 |
Black Bear License | $24.50 | $222.50 | $13.50 |
Special Hunt Permit App | $7.10 | $110.50 | $3.80 |
Special Hunt Permit App - Quality Hunts | $13.70 | $110.50 | $3.80 |
Deadlines and draw results |
Date |
Application deadline (all big game except bear) |
May 22, 2024(Extended for this year) |
Draw results available |
End of June |
Deadline to purchase sheep, mountain goat, and moose permits |
15 days after draw results are posted |
Hunting activity reporting due by |
January 31, 2025 |
Deadlines and draw results | Date |
Application deadline (all big game except bear) | May 22, 2024(Extended for this year) |
Draw results available | End of June |
Deadline to purchase sheep, mountain goat, and moose permits | 15 days after draw results are posted |
Hunting activity reporting due by | January 31, 2025 |
Year | 2020 |
Results Posted | June 10 |
Year | 2021 |
Results Posted | June 10 |
Year | 2022 |
Results Posted | June 14 |
Year | 2023 |
Results Posted | June 14 |
Year | 2024 |
Results Posted | June 12 |
Year | Results Posted |
2020 | June 10 |
2021 | June 10 |
2022 | June 14 |
2023 | June 14 |
2024 | June 12 |
A large variety of big game species, tons of tags opportunities, and lots of public lands give hunters some great options in Washington. While generally not known for producing trophy animals Washington does provide a good opportunity for hunters simply looking to get out and explore new country. Still, some of the harder to draw units can produce some tremendous animals and good bulls and bucks are taken on general tags every year. Like Oregon, Washington offers hunting opportunities for Blacktail deer and Roosevelt Elk and with whitetail deer, mule deer, rocky mountain elk, and black bear. Additionally, hunters will also the options to apply for Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep, Shiras Moose, and Rocky Mountain Goat.
Like a few other western states, Washington uses a weight point system where points are squared. While this doesn't guarantee the highest points will receive a tag is does give them a serious advantage. Bonus points are accumulated automically if unsuccessful in the draw and hunters who do successfully draw a special permit will have their point level for that respective species reset to zero. When applying for deer, elk, or bear applicants must front the tag fees up front while tag fees are not charged for Moose, sheep, or mountain goat unless the applicant was successful. Washington does not offer refunds for any hunting license purchases.
There are no nonresident caps or limitations. All applicants are on an equal level.
You can apply for a maximum of four hunt choices per application, except for the quality deer and elk categories. Quality deer and elk hunts only allow two hunt choices. You do not have to apply for more than one hunt. If more than one hunt choice is requested, each hunt choice will be considered in the drawing in order of the priority you chose, prior to moving onto the next applicant.
When applying as a group, you will have a group leader and group members. The group leader must submit as the group leader for the category first. Each group member must submit their application as a group member and MUST know the group leaders WILD ID to join as a group member. Any points that have been accrued by any party member are considered and averaged across the application. If one member of the group draws, then all members of the group draw. Be sure to apply only for hunt selections that have enough permits available to suffice the group.
Application withdrawing is not permitted
All major credit cards are accepted for online purchases.
All hunters must purchase a hunting license before applying for permits or purchasing general licenses.
Washington allows nonresident youth hunters to purchase licenses at the same cost as resident youth's. Additionally, nearly every species has special permits available for youth only opportunities making for an incredible amount of options. In Washington, hunters under the age of 16 are considered as youth.
Washington does not issue any refunds for purchased hunting licenses except in rare cases where:
No minimum age- must provide proof of hunters education before purchasing license
Before applying for any permits Washington requires all applicants to first verify their hunter's education information. The state warns that this process can take some time so first-time applicants will want to plan ahead for this.
There are three ways to add your Hunter's Education certificate to your WILD ID account profile:
Required to provide proof for anyone born after January 1, 1972
Not required in Washington
Minimum of 400 square inches during firearms seasons or periods when a firearm season may take place
An active duty military member can receive resident rates even if they have a driver's license or identification card from another state. The member must provide documentation of their military ID and deployment papers showing they are stationed in Washington.
Dual residency
Washington allows active duty military members and spouses to have resident hunting and fishing licenses even if they have resident licenses in their home state.
Spouse and dependant perks
Active duty military spouses and dependents under age 18 can purchase licenses at resident rates. They must provide their military ID and their spouses/dependents deployment papers.
National and State Guard hunting licenses
Members of the Washington National or State Guard are eligible to receive a free annual hunting license package that will include deer, elk, bear and mountain lion licenses as well as a small game license and migratory bird permit. This program is available to Washington residents who are active, full-time members of the National and State Guard, or who will participate in drill training with these military units on a part-time basis.
Disabled veteran requirements
Disabled veterans — both resident and nonresident — are eligible for reduced tags if they meet any of the following criteria:
Bonus points are squared for each applicant
Residents and Nonresidents have the same odds and are drawn from the same pool
Hunters may apply for points only if they do not wish to draw a tag for the given year
If more than one permit is drawn for the same species a hunter may participate on both hunts but must quit hunting immediately following the harvest of an animal. You are restricted to one animal.
Hunters are allowed to apply as a party or group
Max group size for deer and elk- 8
Max group size for bear- 2
Max group size for mountain goat, moose, and bighorn sheep- 2
Purchase general tag for applicable species
Draw a special permit in the public drawing
Draw a raffle tag
Buy a big game auction permit
Dealer or system errors, or where a wrong license was issued
License purchaser received more than one of the same licenses in the same license year
License purchaser who is transferred or otherwise obligated by the military or their business and provides verifying documentation within a year of purchase
Licensee cannot hunt due to injury or health reasons verified by physicians statement provided within a year of purchase
Death of license holder before the season of licensed hunt personal representative must provide all documentation
Send a photocopy of your certificate to licensing@dfw.wa.gov with your WILD ID or name and date of birth
Fax a photocopy of your certificate to 360-902-2466 with your WILD ID or name and date of birth
Visit any DFW dealer location with your certificate and the dealer can enter the certificate into your WILD account
Resident veterans with at least 30% service-connected disability as verified by VA letter.
Resident veterans 65 years of age or older with a service-connected disability as verified by VA letter.
Nonresident veterans with at least 30% service-connected disability as verified by VA letter.
Nonresident veterans 65 years of age or older with a service-connected disability as verified by VA letter.