Item | Application fee |
Resident | $5 |
Nonresident regular | $15 |
Nonresident special | $15 |
Item | Deer preference point |
Resident | N/A |
Nonresident regular | $41 |
Nonresident special | $41 |
Item | Antelope preference point |
Resident | N/A |
Nonresident regular | $31 |
Nonresident special | $31 |
Item | Full priced deer |
Resident | $42 |
Nonresident regular | $374 |
Nonresident special | $662 |
Item | Reduced price deer |
Resident | $22 |
Nonresident regular | $34 |
Nonresident special | N/A |
Item | Full priced deer (youth) |
Resident | $15 |
Nonresident regular | $125 |
Nonresident special | $662 |
Item | Reduced price deer (youth) |
Resident | $14 |
Nonresident regular | $19 |
Nonresident special | N/A |
Item | Full priced antelope |
Resident | $37 |
Nonresident regular | $326 |
Nonresident special | $614 |
Item | Reduced price antelope |
Resident | $22 |
Nonresident regular | $34 |
Nonresident special | N/A |
Item | Full priced antelope (youth) |
Resident | $15 |
Nonresident regular | $110 |
Nonresident special | $614 |
Item | Reduced price antelope (youth) |
Resident | $14 |
Nonresident regular | $19 |
Nonresident special | N/A |
Item | Resident | Nonresident regular | Nonresident special |
Application fee | $5 | $15 | $15 |
Deer preference point | N/A | $41 | $41 |
Antelope preference point | N/A | $31 | $31 |
Full priced deer | $42 | $374 | $662 |
Reduced price deer | $22 | $34 | N/A |
Full priced deer (youth) | $15 | $125 | $662 |
Reduced price deer (youth) | $14 | $19 | N/A |
Full priced antelope | $37 | $326 | $614 |
Reduced price antelope | $22 | $34 | N/A |
Full priced antelope (youth) | $15 | $110 | $614 |
Reduced price antelope (youth) | $14 | $19 | N/A |
Wyoming snow water equivalent as of April 28, 2023. Source: National Resources Conservation Service
Wyoming snow water equivalent from May 4, 2022. Source: National Resources Conservation Service
Wyoming snow water equivalent from May 1, 2021. Source: National Resources Conservation Service
Source: US Drought Monitor
Source: US Drought Monitor
Source: US Drought Monitor
Wyoming grizzly bear range in 1990 and 2020.
Type | Type 1 and 2 |
Description | Antlered or any |
License fee | Full price fee |
Type | Type 3 |
Description | Antlered or any whitetail deer, full price antelope |
License fee | Full price fee |
Type | Type 4 and 5 |
Description | Antlerless |
License fee | Full price fee |
Type | Type 6 and 7 |
Description | Doe/fawn |
License fee | Reduced price fee |
Type | Type 8 |
Description | Doe/fawn whitetail deerReduced price doe/fawn antelope |
License fee | Reduced price fee |
Type | Type 9 |
Description | Archery only |
License fee | Full price fee |
Type | Type 0 |
Description | Specialty weapon only (excluding archery) |
License fee | Full price fee |
Type | Description | License fee |
Type 1 and 2 | Antlered or any | Full price fee |
Type 3 | Antlered or any whitetail deer, full price antelope | Full price fee |
Type 4 and 5 | Antlerless | Full price fee |
Type 6 and 7 | Doe/fawn | Reduced price fee |
Type 8 | Doe/fawn whitetail deerReduced price doe/fawn antelope | Reduced price fee |
Type 9 | Archery only | Full price fee |
Type 0 | Specialty weapon only (excluding archery) | Full price fee |
Preference points | 1 |
Nonresident applicants | 40,152 |
Preference points | 2 |
Nonresident applicants | 28,445 |
Preference points | 3 |
Nonresident applicants | 19,632 |
Preference points | 4 |
Nonresident applicants | 13,573 |
Preference points | 5 |
Nonresident applicants | 9,212 |
Preference points | 6 |
Nonresident applicants | 7,047 |
Preference points | 7 |
Nonresident applicants | 5,493 |
Preference points | 8 |
Nonresident applicants | 4,348 |
Preference points | 9 |
Nonresident applicants | 3,349 |
Preference points | 10 |
Nonresident applicants | 2,567 |
Preference points | 11 |
Nonresident applicants | 2,266 |
Preference points | 12 |
Nonresident applicants | 1,948 |
Preference points | 13 |
Nonresident applicants | 1,673 |
Preference points | 14 |
Nonresident applicants | 1,394 |
Preference points | 15 |
Nonresident applicants | 1,218 |
Preference points | 16 |
Nonresident applicants | 1,147 |
Preference points | 17 |
Nonresident applicants | 1,256 |
Preference points | Total |
Nonresident applicants | 144,720 |
Preference points | Nonresident applicants |
1 | 40,152 |
2 | 28,445 |
3 | 19,632 |
4 | 13,573 |
5 | 9,212 |
6 | 7,047 |
7 | 5,493 |
8 | 4,348 |
9 | 3,349 |
10 | 2,567 |
11 | 2,266 |
12 | 1,948 |
13 | 1,673 |
14 | 1,394 |
15 | 1,218 |
16 | 1,147 |
17 | 1,256 |
Total | 144,720 |
Preference points | 1 |
Nonresidents | 42,963 |
Preference points | 2 |
Nonresidents | 31,789 |
Preference points | 3 |
Nonresidents | 22,110 |
Preference points | 4 |
Nonresidents | 15,738 |
Preference points | 5 |
Nonresidents | 10,336 |
Preference points | 6 |
Nonresidents | 7,588 |
Preference points | 7 |
Nonresidents | 5,535 |
Preference points | 8 |
Nonresidents | 4,024 |
Preference points | 9 |
Nonresidents | 2,976 |
Preference points | 10 |
Nonresidents | 2,459 |
Preference points | 11 |
Nonresidents | 1,832 |
Preference points | 12 |
Nonresidents | 1,237 |
Preference points | 13 |
Nonresidents | 931 |
Preference points | 14 |
Nonresidents | 682 |
Preference points | 15 |
Nonresidents | 461 |
Preference points | 16 |
Nonresidents | 394 |
Preference points | 17 |
Nonresidents | 362 |
Preference points | Total |
Nonresidents | 151,417 |
Preference points | Nonresidents |
1 | 42,963 |
2 | 31,789 |
3 | 22,110 |
4 | 15,738 |
5 | 10,336 |
6 | 7,588 |
7 | 5,535 |
8 | 4,024 |
9 | 2,976 |
10 | 2,459 |
11 | 1,832 |
12 | 1,237 |
13 | 931 |
14 | 682 |
15 | 461 |
16 | 394 |
17 | 362 |
Total | 151,417 |
Note: The application deadline for Wyoming deer and antelope is May 31, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. MT. You can apply online here.
Unsuccessful applicants will not automatically be given a preference point after the draw. You must purchase a point during the point only timeframe, which is July 3 to Oct. 31, 2023.
GOHUNT Insiders can research draw odds for female species within their account. Log into your account, hover over the Insider icon in the header bar. When the pop-up box appears click on the “draw odds” link near the top of the box. Next, select Wyoming as the state and then either resident or nonresident regular draw as your residency. When the list of species appears, scroll down towards the bottom to find antlerless deer and doe/fawn antelope.
View important information and an overview of the Wyoming rules/regulations, the draw system, SuperTag and SuperTag Trifecta, tag and license fees and an interactive boundary line map on our State Profile. You can also view the Wyoming Species Profiles to access historical and statistical data to help you find trophy areas.
*Applicants must front the entire cost of the licenses they apply for. There is also a 2.5% processing fee to the total amount.
*Archery license is $72 for nonresidents and $16 for residents for those wanting to bowhunt.
*Reduced price licenses are valid for doe/fawn deer and antelope.
The winter of 2022/2023 will go down in history as one of the worst in terms of difficult survival conditions for Wyoming’s big game herds. The western portion of the state along with central and south central Wyoming were particularly hit hard with deep snow and cold temperatures. The winterkill is reported to be significant with as much as a 50% loss in adult deer and antelope and 90% of last year’s fawns. In addition, fawns born in June will possibly have lower survival rates due to the does being in worse body condition than they would normally be. The license recommendations reflect the loss in both deer and antelope with significant cuts in harder hit areas. The cuts are displayed in the table below where you will see the 2022 license numbers and the 2023 proposed license numbers.
The antler and horn growth going into the fall of 2023 is likely to be less than it would be on an average year in the areas of concern. This is due to overall poorer body condition and the delay in new green growth that is higher in protein. Bucks will be required to replace nutrients for body condition and maintenance first, resulting in less than ideal antler and horn development.
Wyoming snow water equivalent as of April 28, 2023. Source: National Resources Conservation Service
Wyoming snow water equivalent from May 4, 2022. Source: National Resources Conservation Service
Wyoming snow water equivalent from May 1, 2021. Source: National Resources Conservation Service
Wyoming snow water equivalent from May 05, 2020. Source: National Resources Conservation Service
Source: US Drought Monitor
Source: US Drought Monitor
Source: US Drought Monitor
Source: US Drought Monitor
Going into 2023, a nonresident still cannot legally hunt a DWA on their own; they must be accompanied by a licensed Wyoming outfitter or licensed Wyoming resident. A DMA is a United States Forest Service (USFS) designation. Before applying, be aware that there are large tracts of USFS DWAs in many mule deer hunt areas. Every year, we receive email questions after the draw from applicants who have drawn licenses that are composed of all DWA or large portions of DWA and they are trying to figure out how to hunt. Please do some research and apply accordingly.
Since 2000, the grizzly population has continued to grow and expand well beyond the Grizzly Bear Recovery Zone. The grizzly bear population is the largest it has ever been going into 2023. The estimated population, as of late 2021, has the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem population at 1,069 bears. This estimate is almost three times larger than the time at which grizzlies were listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. The 2021 population estimate is most surely even lower than what is actually on the landscape.
The potential for hunter conflict is a real cause for concern, especially on or near a carcass. If hunting in occupied grizzly bear areas is something you do not want to do, please do some research and apply for areas where that is not an issue. Grizzly bears primarily occupy the ranges in and around Yellowstone National Park and southeast down into the Wind River Range. The Bighorn Mountains and the Medicine Bow Mountains are currently unoccupied according to the data. Those areas as well as the rolling grass and sage steppe throughout the central part of the state are your best options if you truly want to avoid conflict. See the map below for estimated grizzly bear range.
Wyoming is a GOHUNT favorite for both mule deer and antelope and a must apply state although with the proposed reductions in the number of deer and antelope licenses applicants are going to have to carefully examine the options and have a strategy in place for the number of preference points they have. Residents are allocated approximately 80% of the deer and antelope licenses. Nonresidents are allocated approximately 20% of the licenses.
The resident draw for deer and antelope is completely random with no point system. All antelope licenses are allocated through the draw. Residents can apply or purchase general season deer licenses over-the-counter (OTC).
The draw for nonresidents is a modified preference point system with 75% of the licenses for each hunt offered to applicants with the most points who apply for any given hunt. The other 25% of the licenses for each hunt are allocated randomly with no weight given to the number of preference points an applicant has. Applicants who do not draw a license from the preference point pool are rolled into the random draw and have an opportunity to draw from the random licenses available. There must be a minimum of four nonresident licenses available for one to be allocated to an applicant in the random draw.
Nonresidents who apply in the draw and are unsuccessful do not automatically receive a preference point. This is uncommon in most western states. In Wyoming, if you are unsuccessful in the draw, you still have to visit the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WTFD) website from July 3 through Oct. 31, 2023 to purchase those preference points. Preference points are species specific.
Wyoming has two pools of licenses that nonresident applicants can apply for: the regular and the special. Nonresidents cannot apply for both regular and special licenses for the same species; they will have to decide which option is best for them. The regular and special licenses are essentially the same, but the difference is that the special licenses cost an additional $288. Applicants who apply in the special draw often have better odds due to the fact that fewer applicants are willing to pay the higher price for the license. However, this is not always the case, especially for trophy quality hunts. Review the Draw Odds to see if the added cost is worth it.
The special draw receives 40% of the nonresident pool of licenses. The regular draw receives 60% of the nonresident pool of licenses. Within those two pools, 75% of the licenses are allocated to the applicants with the most preference points. The other 25% are randomly allocated with no weight given to the number of points an applicant has. Even if this is your first year of applying, if a hunt has a total of four nonresident licenses, you have a chance in the draw. When looking at the Insider standalone draw odds, if there is some percentage displayed throughout the preference point values, it indicates that there were enough licenses that some were randomly allocated.
Wyoming allows applicants to apply for up to three hunt choices. They consider every applicant's first choice before moving to any applicant’s second choice. You will only lose your preference points if you draw your first choice. If you draw a second or third choice, you will retain your points and will draw the license. If you draw a license as a second and third choice, you can then also purchase a point in the summer point only timeframe for that year. To review your draw odds as a second choice, open the standalone draw odds, select Wyoming, your desired residency and then within the filters on the right portion of the page change the “choice” drop down from first to second. That will show you the odds of all hunts as a second choice on your application.
Wyoming categorizes their hunting licenses by type.
Type 1 and 2 licenses are full priced any weapon licenses, but those hunts can also be hunted with a bow during the special archery season. The lucky license holder just needs to buy the OTC archery stamp to hunt during those early season archery dates. If you buy the stamp and bow hunt and are unsuccessful in your efforts, you can still return to hunt during the rifle hunt and fill your license. Be sure to review the current regulations for specific dates and units that allow that opportunity. The nonresident archery stamp is $72.
Wyoming will allow up to six people to apply on a party application for deer and antelope. Residents and nonresidents cannot apply together in a party application. Party applications have their preference points averaged out to the fourth decimal point. For example, a party application of three hunters with nine, five and two preference points will go into the draw with 5.3333 points (9+5+2=16/3=5.3333). The party is treated as a single application and, if it’s drawn, all members of the party will receive a license. Wyoming will allocate permits over the hunt quota to cover a party application, so there is no decrease in odds for group applications.
WGFD conducts a second draw for leftover deer and antelope licenses that remain after the initial drawing. There is no cost to apply and no point system. Your preference points will not be impacted by applying and drawing in the second leftover draw.
The application period for leftover deer and antelope drawing is typically the last week of June.
Results of the leftover drawing will be available by early July and licenses remaining after that will go on sale on a first come, first served basis a few days later.
Mule deer inhabit a wide variety of habitat types in Wyoming — from the eastern plains and badlands to the higher elevations of the Big Horns and Wyoming Range. Unfortunately, populations are suffering almost across the entire state. The drought conditions hurt populations for a few years, which has been followed by this horrific winter. Certainly, some areas were harder hit than others, but for the most part, populations are struggling across the state. Winterkill in the Wyoming Range and southwestern Wyoming are reported to be 30% to 50% of adult deer and as much as 90% of the fawn crop. Some areas that are lower elevations and didn’t receive as much snow will have slightly better survival rates, but as you review the tables below, you’ll see that the herds are just generally struggling.
With proposed license cuts, point creep is going to increase in 2023. It’s hard to predict how applicants are going to apply this year, but my gut suggests that many of the more highly sought after hunts are likely to jump two or even three preference points. I would suggest that applicants review the odds for both the regular and special draw and also compare the number of proposed licenses for this year before applying. If you are looking to maximize your chances for a trophy buck, I would suggest you either utilize your points this year if you can or plan on waiting for another four or five years and hope that Mother Nature offers better survival conditions. I suggest this because last year's fawn crop had very low survival and there is going to be a missing age class of bucks for a few years.
If there is somewhat of a bright spot, it’s that range conditions this spring and summer will improve and the feed should be good. The antler growth is going to be good, but probably not great given bucks will be putting nutrients into body condition first and, with green vegetation being delayed this year, antler growth is going to lag some. Be cautious with your points this year in Wyoming. If you do decide to use them, do your research and plan on scouting and hunting hard for a chance at a good buck.
Wyoming offers both general season hunting and limited quota hunts. Residents can simply purchase the general season deer hunting license OTC and hunt any general season/area in the state. Nonresidents must draw general region licenses. There is no OTC general season deer hunting for nonresidents.
Below are my top picks for trophy caliber deer for 2023. In looking at the number of points required to draw, consider that several of the top tier units will see a permit decrease this year. You can review the changes in the table above. In those cases, the odds of drawing are going to decrease. It’s hard to predict how bad the point creep and/or odds are going to be. If you have enough points to draw one of the hunts in the hit list below and there are also license cuts proposed, it would not surprise me to see point creep of at least two preference points.
Wyoming offers several other additional areas with a trophy potential of 170” to 180”. You can find these areas by using Filtering 2.0 and adjusting the trophy potential slide filter.
The maximum number of nonresident preference points for deer is 17 going into the 2023 draw.
Be aware that license cuts in some units will increase point creep and decrease draw odds. Review the license changes table within this article before making your hunt selections.
Unfortunately, Wyoming is in the midst of a really sad situation for antelope and licenses are being cut significantly as a result. In reviewing the proposals, it could be as many as 10,000 licenses statewide that are reduced and, as such, the point creep and odds going into this draw are going to reflect that. My hope is that Mother Nature offers kinder conditions for a few years and gives herds an opportunity to rebound.
Applicants this year will need to really consider the table below and the draw odds to determine what to do with their points. The reality is that most hunts are going to require more points to draw. It’s hard to predict how many more points because we cannot exactly predict how people will apply, but my gut tells me that it’s likely to be as many as two to three additional points. The top-tier units will still require near maximum points; however, the odds of drawing even with maximum points will decrease. If you have a good amount of points, you might consider applying for a top-tier hunt and hope to draw a random license instead of burning them on a hunt that could have been drawn with far fewer points just a few years ago. As I stated, herds can rebound relatively quickly with good conditions and it could be an entirely different story in just a few years. If you just want to draw a license, consider the odds and the number of tags being offered. It’s possible to find a hunt that you can draw, but have reasonable expectations about the trophy potential in those types of units.
Trophy potential will always exist in Wyoming although my expectations are that this year is not likely to be a banner year for horn growth. The western portion of the state has been producing some great bucks in recent years and, once again, those areas are probably going to produce the best bucks. Nearly every unit in the state can and will produce bucks in the 70” to 78” range and a handful of 80”+ bucks will be taken out of units that don’t make the hit list. The key to killing a better buck in Wyoming is being patient and looking over as many options as you can. Wyoiming still has relatively good populations and hunters will see more bucks than they would in any neighboring state. If you are lucky enough to obtain a license in the draw and want to kill a true trophy buck, plan on exploring the unit and spending multiple days looking at as many bucks as you can. Overall, the picture for antelope hunting in Wyoming this fall is not rosy, but for the hunters who do get a chance to hunt, they will have a good opportunity to harvest a good buck — and potentially a great buck — if they are willing to scout and hunt for as many days as they can put into it.
Below are the license changes for doe/fawn reduced price antelope hunts in 2023. As you will see, there are many hunts that have been eliminated due to significant population decline due to previous years of drought and this winter's snowpack and freeze/thaw.
Good public land access and what have been great antelope populations often offer a good hunt, but the odds of drawing are getting harder and will certainly be even more so this year with the proposed license cuts. The areas listed below offer the best chance at a trophy buck; however, once again, the odds of drawing are long. 2023 should be an average year for horn growth throughout what has been the best units in the state.
Hidden gems and licenses that can be drawn as a second choice are becoming few and far between after the years of drought and the winterkill this year. The hope is that Mother Nature will respond with some lighter years and herds will have an opportunity to rebound. In saying that, there are a few strategies that you can explore if you are trying to draw a license and still offer a good hunt.
The special draw for deer and elk often does not buy you odds that are much better, but, historically, there are fewer applicants who have been willing to pay $614 for the special antelope license. If you are willing to pay the higher price, you can likely draw an antelope license with one or two fewer points than it would require in the regular draw. Explore the draw odds for the regular and special draws to see if there are opportunities to draw a license sooner or, perhaps, draw a better trophy unit with your points that would put you into a lesser hunt in the regular draw.
Historically, draw odds for antelope are tied closely to the amount of public land that exists in a unit. The more accessible public BLM and state land that exists in a unit, the tougher the licenses have been to draw. There are many units that have a limited amount of public land or the unit is largely checkerboarded with private and public land and corner crossing is still up in the air in regards to it being a viable access option. Because of this, these areas are easier to draw, but may still offer a decent hunt. Many areas that are mostly private have guides and outfitters who offer hunts on private lands. If you are willing to pay for a guided hunt, those areas can be drawn and offer a good hunt. The other option is to research units for potential access. Some areas have decent amounts of public lands, but you will be required to find the access points and be willing to hike. Some areas have country roads that cross through public and private and you would be able to hunt public sections that touch an open country road. Be aware that you are limited to those public accessible sections and would need to cover ground to attempt to encounter antelope that you can hunt. These types of hunts may not provide the type of hunt you want, but it is an option to explore.
Wyoming has good walk-in access and wildlife habitat management areas (WHMA) that are accessible to hunters. An area may appear to have a very limited amount of public land, but through one or both of these programs there can be more than enough land to still offer a good hunt. Before you rule out an area due to public land limitations, we recommend that you take a look at the unit maps and review the layers for walk-in access and WHMAs.
Wyoming also has some muzzleloader Type 0 hunts. Those are available with less points than the same hunts for a firearm. They also offer Type 2 hunts that are either later seasons or are valid on or within a half mile of irrigated land. Initially, those can seem intimidating or not worth your efforts, but I have seen some very nice bucks on public land within a half mile of irrigated land and could have been harvested on that type of license. Those hunts are available with far fewer points. Once again, those hunts will require additional research and probably more days to hunt.
The maximum number of nonresident preference points for antelope is 12 going into the 2023 draw.
Be aware that license cuts in some units will increase point creep and decrease draw odds. Review the license changes table within this article before making your hunt selection.
There are many season date changes and license cuts for 2023 in both the full priced and reduced price hunt types. There are also some license increases in select areas. Review the tables below outlining the number of license changes for hunts.
You can apply for deer and antelope now.
The deadline to apply is May 31, 2023 by 11:59 p.m. MT.
Apply online here. Applications are only accepted online.
Draw results will be available by June 15, 2023.
Applicants must front the entire cost of the permit(s) they apply for plus application and a 2.5% processing fee.
Refunds for unsuccessful applicants will be returned to the credit card that was used.
Wyoming has a modified preference point system for nonresident deer and antelope applicants.
A youth that is eleven may apply for a preference point if the youth turns twelve in the same calendar year as the application for a preference point is made.
Wyoming has no point system for resident deer and antelope applicants.
The preference point only purchase period is from July 3 to Oct 31, 2023.
Failure to apply or purchase a preference point for two consecutive years will cause all previous points accumulated to be purged.
You cannot return a deer or antelope license for a refund or get preference points back if you successfully draw.
Deer and antelope hunt areas have different boundaries.
Select state: Wyoming.
Select species: Mule deer or Whitetail deer.
Adjust the Trophy Potential slider to your desired size (e.g. 170”+).
Click whether you are a resident or nonresident and indicate how many points you currently possess (nonresidents only).
Select your minimum percentage of odds for drawing the tag. This can be very good for weeding out hunting areas with unlimited (100%) tags.
Select which season(s) you wish to hunt. Have other hunts going on throughout the fall? You can also set your date parameters and Filtering 2.0 will automatically find what's in season that time of the year.
Choose what harvest percentages you would like to see in the hunt areas.
Lastly, click on any of the remaining hunt areas to read in-depth profiles containing valuable information.
One of the bright spots for Wyoming mule deer is within Units 116, 117, 118, 119 and 120. That unit group has good buck to doe ratios and a stable to growing herd. Summer ranges are in better conditions at high elevations and the bucks that come out of those areas are feeding into the best late season hunt in the state in Unit 128. Those units each offer their own limited quota hunts. The points to draw in these areas range from about three to eight preference points.
Other hidden gems are most often associated with the plains and badland areas of the central and eastern portion of the state. The amount of public land is limited and access is very tough. Applicants who can go on a guided hunt have done well in these types of areas
Other general regions worth some research might include, R, Y, M, X and F. Those areas have not seen the same level of winterkill that others have and the license numbers should be consistent.
Unit group | 149, 900 |
2017-2021 average hunter satisfaction | 56% |
2022 average hunter satisfaction | 71% |
2017-2021 average buck:doe ratio | N/A |
2022 buck:doe ratio | N/A |
Unit group | |
2017-2021 average hunter satisfaction | 74% |
2022 average hunter satisfaction | 49% |
2017-2021 average buck:doe ratio | 24:100 |
2022 buck:doe ratio | 18:100 |
Unit group | |
2017-2021 average hunter satisfaction | 52% |
2022 average hunter satisfaction | 63% |
2017-2021 average buck:doe ratio | N/A |
2022 buck:doe ratio | N/A |
Unit group | |
2017-2021 average population estimate | 29,642 |
2022 population estimate | 29,578 |
2017-2021 average buck:doe ratio | 30:100 |
2022 buck:doe ratio | 37:100 |