The western boundary of Region F is Yellowstone Park and the Continental Divide, with the eastern boundary marked by Wyoming Highway 120. The north boundary is the Montana state line and the south boundary is indicated by the Wind River Indian Reservation and the divide between the Wind River and Shoshone River. The demand for this nonresident general deer tag has remained consistent. Some bucks in this area can score 180” Boone and Crockett, with a few bucks that score more taken each year. Season dates vary within the region for mule deer, so be sure to reference the unit profiles for additional information on season dates.
Units 105, 106, 110, 111, 112, 114 and 115 have steep, mountainous terrain with few roads or ATV trails. The wilderness area dominates several units within this region. Unit 113 has general access with a few National Forest roads and ATV trails. The primary wintering range within this area is made up by the eastern portion.
Most land is public and hunters can hike from trailheads or off of paved or gravel roads. Units 114 and 115 are 100% wilderness and the majority of Unit 110 is wilderness area. Units 105, 106, 111, 112 and 113 all have multiple trailheads with well-maintained trails.
Region F has maintained approximately the same number of nonresident hunters over the last few years and early snows can make a difference in harvest success. Most of these units are migratory and early snows can push deer into more accessible places, which is when big buck harvest typically increases. There are staggered hunt dates between units, so make sure to verify dates prior to going afield. Even though great deer have been harvested in Region F, these are still general deer units and hunter pressure is high, even in the more remote locations.
Although mule deer dominate the deer numbers in Region F, units 106, 111, 112 and 113 have whitetail deer. Whitetails are typically found along creek or river bottoms near agriculture fields. In Unit 106, whitetails are located in mountainous terrain. Whitetail bucks from these units can score over 140” B&C.